125 Self-Care Saturday Ideas To Unwind This Weekend

Sometimes it can be hard to remember to practice self-care on a regular basis, so I’m here to share that you can dedicate one day of the week to your self-care routine. Introducing self-care Saturday! 

woman putting essential oils on

This is ideal for those of you who want to prioritize yourself so you can live a happier, more balanced life – away from exhaustion and the constant craziness of life.

Why Self-Care on a Saturday?

Saturday can be an amazing day of the week to dedicate to self-care. Here are some reasons I specifically think self-care is ideal for a Saturday:

It’s the one day you’re most likely not thinking about things you have to do. You know those Sunday chores or preparing for the week ahead.

It’s the perfect way to start the weekend after the end of a busy week. It’s also something to look forward to.

Less stress as you’re not competing with as many items on your to-do list.

More flexibility with your schedule. It’s easier to move things around on a Saturday so you can dedicate some time to yourself.

The Importance of Practicing Self-Care

Life today has so many stressful moments, uphill battles, and people who are on the edge feeling overwhelmed, and in many cases experiencing depression and anxiety.

Our devices mean we’re always contactable by work, family, friends, and anyone else. This means it can feel more and more difficult to get some peaceful alone time in. 

I miss those days of going out all afternoon on a Saturday with no smartphone and just enjoying what I want when I want. It’s so freeing to have that time for yourself.

This is why self-care is crucial to help us keep up with the demands of our busy lives.

Self-care is a practice you can use to prioritize your mental and physical health which has a variety of important benefits (Source):

  • Helps you manage stress
  • Lowers your risk of illness
  • Increases your energy levels
  • Enhances your overall wellbeing

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125 Self-Care Saturday Ideas

125 Ways to Have a Self-Care Saturday

When it comes to self-care, I like to break it down into 5 core categories:

  • Emotional Self-Care
  • Physical Self-Care
  • Social Self-Care
  • Spiritual Self-Care
  • Intellectual Self-Care

So, below you’ll find some of the best ways to have a fun, relaxing, and meaningful self-care Saturday and inspire you to plan your own self-care day.

Emotional Self-Care Saturday Ideas

writing affirmations in journal

Emotional self-care is the things you can do to look after your mental health.

Whether it’s reading a good book that uplifts you, focusing on self-reflection, or doing something you love – emotional self-care is all about doing what feels good to you and supports you emotionally.

  1. Track your mood with these free mood-tracking sheets
  2. Use positive affirmations for self love
  3. Do something you’re passionate about – a hobby or try something new
  4. Practice gratitude – go on a gratitude walk followed by some gratitude journaling
  5. Try some mindfulness meditation
  6. Try this self-love journal with beautiful writing prompts (this is one of my guided journals)
  7. Go to therapy
  8. Work on your self-compassion with these self-compassion exercises
  9. Write a list of things you love about yourself
  10. Make time for reflection with this list of self-reflection questions
  11. Create a playlist of your favourite songs from the past
  12. Try the 5-4-3-2-1 method to relieve anxiety
  13. Go to the beach and sit in silence, listening to the beautiful sounds around you
  14. Declutter your space – leading to peace of mind and relaxation
  15. Get creative with coloring – check out my favorite adult coloring book from Johanna Basford
  16. Read a self-help book. I recommend: Atomic Habits, You Are A Badass
  17. Have an old movie marathon
  18. Start a self-love challenge
  19. Set mental health goals and create a plan to achieve them
  20. Answer these self-care questions to check in on yourself
  21. Create a happy music playlist
  22. Download these printable affirmation cards
  23. Release your stress onto paper – write everything that’s worrying you, so you can release it from your mind
  24. Work on your self-esteem with these worksheets
  25. Look at old photos 

👉 Learn more about emotional self-care here.

Physical Self-Care Saturday Activities

woman running a bath

This is all about doing things to look after your physical health, both fun things and important things. Here are some examples.

  1. Take a yoga class
  2. Go on a hike 
  3. Get a professional massage
  4. Try a new active hobby – swimming, running, tennis, baseball
  5. Have a hot relaxing bath – don’t forget the essential oils!
  6. Go kayaking or canoeing
  7. Have a nap
  8. Make love
  9. Make yourself a healthy meal and eat it in a relaxing environment (no tech – just enjoy every bite)
  10. Do some gardening
  11. Get a mani/pedi 
  12. Have a facial
  13. Do some stretching
  14. Make a new recipe or your favorite meal
  15. Go for a bike ride 
  16. Have an at-home spa day (hello DIY face masks and at home pedis 🙂 )
  17. Go for a long walk in your neighborhood
  18. Do tai chi in the park
  19. Try a dance class (belly dance, hip hop, salsa, etc)
  20. Take your dog for a walk
  21. Use a foot massager
  22. Do some walking meditation
  23. Take note of appointments you need to book this week – doctors, blood work, dentist, physio, etc.

Social Self-Care Ideas for Your Saturday

friends doing yoga together

Who says self-care is a solo act? Social self-care is as it sounds – doing things to practice self-care with others. It can also be attending events or spending quality time with those you love.

  1. Call someone you love and have a good chat
  2. Visit a friend for coffee or lunch
  3. Try a group fitness class (dance, pilates, circuit training, spin)
  4. Go to the spa with a girlfriend
  5. Have a girl’s night out
  6. Go to the movies with your mom
  7. Take a meditation class
  8. Volunteer with a friend – animal shelter, soup kitchen, food bank, etc)
  9. Have a board game night
  10. Visit a local farmer’s market
  11. Check out a local festival
  12. Have a picnic with friends or family
  13. Plan some good deeds you can do for others
  14. Take a class with a friend – crocheting, baking, pottery, etc)
  15. Do something physical with a friend – walk, workout, golf, hike)
  16. Try group therapy
  17. Go to the dog park with your pup – always other pet parents to chat with
  18. Take a cooking class
  19. Visit a botanical garden with a good friend
  20. Meal prep with a friend and share the food/recipes
  21. Join a community garden
  22. Write a letter to someone you love
  23. Go on a date with your spouse

Related: 57 Fun & Engaging Group Self-Care Activities

Spiritual Self-Care for Saturdays

woman meditating

Apart from traditional spiritual practices (prayer, meditation) you can accomplish the act of spiritually looking after yourself can be accomplished by simply doing things that make your heart and soul flourish. 

  1. Take a walk in nature
  2. Take a guided meditation class or try this one
  3. Get acupuncture
  4. Go to a spiritual retreat for the weekend
  5. Pray
  6. Write in a journal
  7. Practice gratitude
  8. Do yoga
  9. Read a life-changing book like The Alchemist (my personal favourite)
  10. Attend a religious service
  11. Learn about other religions
  12. Do some gardening
  13. Try some grounding techniques
  14. Join a church group
  15. Have your morning coffee outside – perfect for morning reflection
  16. Do some deep breathing exercises – check out this 19 minute yoga breathing exercise
  17. Watch a religious movie or TV series – a few of my recent favourites: The Chosen, Kübra, Father Stu
  18. Start a prayer journal – here’s a great printable template to get you started
  19. Join a spiritual reading group – focusing on inspiring spiritual books
  20. Volunteer for a cause you support

Intellectual Self-Care Saturday Ideas

woman working on laptop

Intellectual self-care is all about stimulating the mind, learning new things, and working towards your goals. These things make us feel good, so in turn is definitely a form of self-care.

  1. Visit a museum or art gallery
  2. Watch a TED Talk
  3. Take an online class to learn something new
  4. Create a vision board focusing on your career and finances
  5. Attend a workshop or seminar
  6. Set some SMART goals 
  7. Work on an important goal
  8. Watch a documentary
  9. Set financial goals + create a plan to achieve them
  10. Learn about smart money habits by listening to a money podcast
  11. Learn a new skill or hobby – photography, brush lettering, blogging, graphic design
  12. Start a book club with friends or family members
  13. Take an online course
  14. Try this self-care challenge
  15. Organize your weekly tasks based on the Eisenhower Matrix – helps you identify tasks to focus on first based on importance and urgency
  16. Do a puzzle
  17. Try a 30-day challenge

More Self-Care Saturday Ideas For The Best Weekend

  1. Take a drive in the countryside
  2. Go apple picking/berry picking
  3. Write a Simple Pleasures List
  4. Buy yourself flowers
  5. Go to a cafe with a good book
  6. Start a new habit and track it – download this free habit tracker to start
  7. Go to the beach
  8. Have a nap under a tree
  9. Listen to a sleep story from Calm
  10. Create a bucket list (travel, for the year, summer, Christmas, etc)
  11. Have a spa weekend
  12. Create a new evening routine and give it a try
  13. Make a list of your ultimate morning routine
  14. Declutter your closet
  15. Diffuse essential oils
  16. Explore a new neighborhood
  17. Create a vision board on Pinterest

How Do I Give Myself a Self-Care Day?

You may be thinking that all of these ideas sound great, but you have no idea how you’ll create enough time for any of them. 

First, know that your self-care Saturday doesn’t have to be the whole day. If you can manage this – amazing, however, you can reap the benefits of self-care within shorter time periods.

Here are some suggestions to help you create the time you deserve for regular self-care.

  • Book time in your calendar for self-care this Saturday or next – and allow yourself to follow through on this.
  • Create a mini self-care routine every Saturday – you can start your morning this way (15 – 30 minutes or an hour). This can be little things such as enjoying a hot cup of tea, reading a chapter from your book and diffusing some essential oils, or lighting a candle.
  • Take non-essentials off your list – chores you can give to someone else, standing events in your calendar you don’t love or you can not attend once in a while).
  • Practice saying no to things so you can begin to say yes to yourself.

Do you have a self-care Saturday Routine?

I’d love to hear about it. Share in the comments below…

  • Where you are on your self-care journey?
  • What self-care practices do you do for personal growth, emotional wellness and to look after your own needs?

Related Self- Care Resources:

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