60 Self-Reflection Questions & Journal Prompts

When you’re looking to grow in different areas of your life, self-reflection is a great way to help you focus, and these self-reflection questions and journal prompts are designed to help you do just that.

writing in journal

Use these self-reflection journal prompts to assess the following areas:

  • Goals and the Future
  • Well Being
  • Love & Relationships
  • Career Development
  • Personal Growth
  • Plus daily self-reflection prompts you can use all year long

Before you jump onto the journal writing prompts and questions to ask yourself, let’s uncover the meaning of self-reflection and why it’s important.

What is Self Reflection?

Self-reflection is the action of thinking about something personal in your life.

This definition from The Open University describes it perfectly…

Self-reflection is like looking into a mirror and describing what you see. It is a way of assessing yourself, your ways of working and how you study. To put it simply ‘reflection’ means to think about something.

We can use self-reflection to shape our values, beliefs and habits.

In other words, self-reflection is your opportunity to evaluate or assess various aspects of your life.

Why is Self Reflection Important?

woman writing in journal on the bed

There are many benefits of self-reflection, mainly:

  • Taking notice of your thoughts and feelings
  • Seeing where you’ve come from and where you’d like to go in life
  • Helping you focus on what truly matters in your day to day
  • Self reflection allows you to grow as a person which can improve so many areas of your life (relationships, careers, happiness and wellbeing).
  • Self reflection strengthens your emotional intelligence so you can understand what makes you happy and what you need to grow
  • Self reflection can help you to identify your personal values, what’s important to you and what you stand for.

Self-reflection entails asking yourself questions about your values, assessing your strengths and failures, thinking about your perceptions and interactions with others, and imagining where you want to take your life in the future.”

Robert L. Rosen

Tips for Using Self Reflection Journal Prompts

Do your best to stick to one section at a time

This way you truly have time to reflect on that specific area of your life.

Write down other thoughts that pop up

If other questions pop up in your mind when answering these self-reflection questions, write them down and answer later.

Use these journal prompts when you have dedicated alone time

It’s impossible to reflect if you’re being interrupted, so I recommend trying these journal prompts at the beginning or end of your day – perfect for a morning or bedtime routine.

Related: 25 Morning Journal Prompts To Start Your Day

Do you notice any patterns?

After completing these journal prompts see if there are any patterns you notice that are consistent across more than one category.

For example, you might feel you have no time to focus on your relationship or no time to focus on goals. No time for focusing on your career. 

  • If you discover a consistency, take note of it and then think about how you can improve this one thing (in this case lack of time).
Currently reading: 60 Self-Reflection Questions & Journal Writing Prompts Click To Tweet

60 Self Reflection Questions & Journal Prompts

60 self reflection journal prompts - woman writing in journal

Daily Self-Reflection Questions

I encourage you to answer these daily self-reflection questions at the end of the day. They are the perfect journal prompts to help you reflect on what went well.

1. What did you accomplish today?

2. What was your overall mood like today?

3. Were there any events that impacted your mood?

4. Did you do anything for yourself today? If yes, what? If not, can you make some time tomorrow?

5. What made you smile today?

6. How did you show yourself love today?

7. What could have gone better today and what change will you make for tomorrow?

8. Did you use your time wisely today?

9. How did you look after your health?

10. How did you connect with others today?

How did you show yourself love today? 60 Self-Reflection Journal Prompts & Questions to Assess Your Life. #selfreflection #journalprompts Click To Tweet

Goals and The Future

asian business woman holding journal

Life moves too fast so reflecting on our goals and future is really important – so we can take action.

These self-reflection questions will help you decide what to focus on this year, areas you can improve and how you can take action on your goals.

11. What do you want to achieve this year? Make a list of everything that comes to mind. Next circle 4 main goals you’d like to focus on the most.

12. When will you accomplish these 4 goals over the next 12 months?

Tip: You can add 1 goal to the end of each quarter of the year, which gives you 3 months to work on each goal. 

13. Write down the action items and steps you will take to reach each goal.

14. Decide when you will work on the action steps for your first goal.

Write down a schedule and decide how many hours per day or week you will dedicate to the goals action items.

15. List some ways you can reward yourself when you complete action items, which are bringing you closer to your goal.

16. What habits would you like to work on to help you accomplish your goals this year?

17. Write down some quotes that motivate you to keep working on your goals – check out this list of growth mindset quotes for inspiration.

18. What is getting in the way of you reaching your goals? How can you come up with a solution to improve this?

What is getting in the way of you reaching your goals? How can you come up with a solution to improve this? #selfreflection #journalprompts Click To Tweet

19. Describe how you will feel when you accomplish each goal. 

20. Write a list of how each goal brings you closer to something bigger in your life… happiness, success, being healthy, etc.

Self-Reflection Journal Prompts for Well Being

healthy women on beach

Focusing on your health and wellbeing is critical to ensure you maintain and healthy balance in life.

These self-reflection journal prompts will allow you to focus on looking after your body and mind.

21. Make a list of things you love about yourself.

22. List 10 things you can do to make yourself feel better on not-so-good days.

23. What can you do to look after your body today?

24. What are you proud of accomplishing recently?

25. How do you practice self-care? Make a list of what you already do and then make another list of new self-care activities you’d like to try.

26. What are you grateful for today?

27. How can you be kinder to yourself this week?

How can you be kinder to yourself this week?#journalprompts #selfreflection Click To Tweet

28. What are your favourite simple pleasures in life? (Check out a big list of simple pleasures to give you some ideas).

29. Write a list of new, healthy foods or recipes you’d like to eat this week.

30. What are your favourite ways to relax and unwind?

Self Reflection Questions for Career Development

woman turning pages in journal

We spend more hours in our week working than with our loved ones, so it’s imperative that we find a sense of contentment and happiness in our careers.

These self-reflection questions about your career will help you focus on your goals, think about ways to improve your skills and help you see the success you’ve already had.

31. What mindset would you like to have during your workday? How will you shift your current mindset?

32. How can you improve your productivity this week? 

33. What big goal do you want to accomplish by this time next year? How will you make this goal a reality?

34. Make a list of people you’d like to network with over the next 3 months. Next, explain how you’ll get to know this person better.

Example: WIll you go for coffee, join them at a conference, ask them to work together on a project?

35. How can you improve your daily work life? Make a list of tactics you can try.

36. What does your current work and life balance look like? Look at a typical week and list the time spent on work vs. personal activities.

37. What are your core strengths at work? Tip: Take this test to find out.

38. What skills would you like to work on to improve your current career situation? How will you improve these skills?

39. What will you accomplish today that brings you one step closer to reaching a goal?

What will you accomplish today that brings you one step closer to reaching a goal?#selfreflection #journalprompts Click To Tweet

40. What makes you proud about your current job/role?

Personal Growth Journal Prompts

young woman writing in journal outside

Personal growth and self-reflection go hand in hand. These journal writing prompts and questions are designed to help you think about what makes you feel good, discover new ways to grow and give you the inspiration to be kind to yourself.

41. List 10 activities or hobbies you would like to try. 

42. Write down 10 self-love affirmations. Read this list for ideas to get you started.

43. Write about a place that makes you at peace. 

44. What gives you the motivation to keep going when times get tough?

What gives you the motivation to keep going when times get tough?#selfreflection #writingprompt Click To Tweet

45. How do you think people would describe you? List any characteristics that come to mind – good and bad.

46. How would you like people to think of you? List these characteristics and give details on anything you would like to focus on to improve.

47. What would you like to add to your morning routine? How can you make this new routine a reality?

48. What instantly puts you in a good mood? List at least three things (and remember to use these as a go-to when needed).

49. What worries do you have at the moment? How can you discover new ways to reduce this worry?

50. What would you be proud to share with your past self?

Love and Relationship Questions

happy couple outside

Taking time to assess your relationships is a great way to maintain and grow positive relationships.

These self-reflection questions will help you see what’s working, identify areas to focus on and create an action plan for change where needed.

51. How can you set healthy boundaries in your relationships? 

How can you set healthy boundaries in your relationships? #writingprompts #selfreflection Click To Tweet

52. How can you show a loved one you care this week? List some new ways you can take action.

53. List 10 date night ideas that you would like to try.

54. What concerns do you currently have in your relationship? Make a list and decide when you can talk to your partner about these issues.

55. List everything you love about your partner or best friend.

56. Think about the ways your partner shows you love (even if it’s not your love language). Did you discover anything new that you may not have noticed before?

57. Are you holding onto any unhealthy feelings from the past? If yes, think about why and then list how you can move on from these negative thoughts.

58. Write about how you and your spouse met. Include all details – what did you notice, how did you feel, who made the first move?

59. What are your relationship goals for the next year, next 5 years? List this out and plan to talk to your other half about them.

60. What have you learned from your partner?

Self-Reflection Journal Prompts: Final Thoughts

Using self-reflection journal prompts can uncover insights about yourself that you never knew before.

It’s a great first step to take before you focus on any other personal development work. 

I hope these journal writing prompts help you get to know yourself better so you can find new ways to create the life you love. 🙂

More Journal Prompts and Journaling Resources

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Yolanda xo

Yolanda - Put The Kettle On

About Yolanda

Website Owner / Content Creator

I’m passionate about helping you live life to the fullest so you can choose to find happiness and purpose. Learn how to CREATE THE LIFE YOU LOVE with intentional living and discovery of the simple things life has to offer. Learn more…


  1. I love the, “How did you show yourself love today?” question because a lot of times we neglect ourselves and put others first. This is a great way to put things into perspective and set the intention for the day. Great post.

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