52 Gratitude Journal Prompts To Increase Happiness

Gratitude journaling has become extremely popular over the last few years and even more so since the pandemic. 

The effects of gratitude are powerful. Finding ways to be grateful and focus on the positive truly helps have a different, happier outlook on life.

woman writing in gratitude journal

I’ve been gratitude journaling regularly for the past couple of years and I’ve honestly gone from feeling quite down and depressed at times to now living each day with more meaning and presence.

Things that used to upset me, I no longer think about.

Gratitude journaling gives you the power to have a level of control over your happiness. 

“It’s not happiness that brings us gratitude. It’s gratitude that brings us happiness.” – Anonymous

How to Start a Gratitude Journal: 5 Tips

  1. The easiest way to start is to start! You can use a lined notebook, bullet journal or even your phone. 
  2. Decide on a time of day when you can get 10 to 15 minutes of quiet time. I like first thing in the morning, but before bed is a good time too.
  3. When writing in your gratitude journal take some time to really focus on what you are grateful for. Don’t just write it down but focus on how you feel.
  4. Attempt to write in your journal 3 to 5 times per week, or even every day. 
  5. Go back and read your journal to remind yourself of the blessings you have all around you.

The Benefits of Gratitude Journaling:

The benefits of using gratitude prompts are honestly endless and very much an individual experience. 

From my perspective, here are some big benefits you can expect from using gratitude writing prompts…

  • You’ll begin to shift how you feel about your current circumstances in life. Negative thoughts may soon turn to positive thinking.
  • You’ll begin to practise gratitude without trying. It will become natural to have a thankful heart.
  • You will experience more positive emotions and happiness. It really is true that practicing gratitude feels good and you’ll realize you have so much in life to be thankful for.
  • Things you worry about may not seem as big as they once were
  • You’ll realize you have more support in life than you thought.
  • Having an “attitude of gratitude” will become the norm – which makes a positive impact on all aspects of life.

The beautiful thing about the power of gratitude is the possibilities are endless. Even just one single day of reflecting on the unique things in your life can lead to a feeling of contentment and positive energy.

Do you practice gratitude on a regular basis? If you're looking for help, these 52 gratitude journal prompts are a great place to start. #gratitude #journaling Click To Tweet

What do you Write in a Gratitude Journal?

young woman writing in journal

Once you’ve been writing in a gratitude journal for a while you might find yourself trying to figure out what to write.

Here are some tips you can use to find new ways to be grateful:

  • Use the gratitude journal prompts below!
  • Tap into your 5 senses (sight, sound, smell, touch, taste) and think about what you are thankful for under each category. This Simple Pleasures in Life post will give you some ideas.
  • Think about things you take for granted
  • Have gratitude for the people that love you and stick by you
  • Focus on what is going well in life, even if you consider it small
  • Read these beautiful quotes about gratitude for inspiration

Related: 5 Types of Journaling for Mental Health Support


52 Inspiring Gratitude Journal Prompts To Increase Your Happiness

52 Gratitude Journal Prompts for Every Week of the Year

The below gratitude journal ideas are designed to not only have you think about the present moment but also reminisce about positive experiences in your life.

1. What made you smile today?

2. Who are the people that mean the most to you?

  • Why do they mean so much?

3. What’s your favourite day of the week and why?

4. What brings you joy in your home?

  • Make a list of as many things as possible

5. What’s your favorite season and what do you love to do during this time?

6. What positive memory makes you happy?

7. Think of a time you were really proud of yourself.

  • What happened and how did you feel?

8. What small things in life do you appreciate the most?

9. What life experiences are you most grateful for?

10. Make a list of people in your life that make you feel good.

  • Now, think about how you can express gratitude to them

11. What are you grateful for learning and how has this shaped you into the person you are today?

12. What comforts in life are you thankful for?

13. What good things are you looking forward to this year?

14. What do you take for granted that others might dream of?

  • How can you appreciate this more?

15. What are you grateful for having in your neighbourhood, city or country?

16. Write down 3 things you love about someone special in your life.

(Make sure to share this with them).

17. How can you help someone who’s less fortunate than yourself?

  • What little things could make a difference in their life?
  • Can you show them an act of gratitude that can help them with this?

18. What are some of your greatest achievements in life?

19. Find a photo you love and write down 5 things that make you feel good about this photo.

  • Where were you and what do you remember about this moment?

20. Write down something you’ve completed off your bucket list.

21. What is your favourite holiday tradition?

22. How do you like to spend the hour before bed? 

23. Think about a person you wish you had a better relationship with.

  • Write down 5 good qualities about this person.

24. Where is your favourite neighbourhood spot?

  • Why do you love it?

25. What did you appreciate most about this week?

  • List all things, big and small.

26. What’s the greatest gift you’ve ever received?

27. Write about a happy childhood memory.

  • Where were you? Who were you with? What do you remember?

28. Write about a happy time you spent with one of your parents or another family member.

29. Create a list of 10 activities or hobbies that you love.

30. Describe 10 simple pleasures in life that bring you joy.

52 gratitude journal prompts to reminisce about positive experiences in your life. #gratitude #journaling Click To Tweet

More Gratitude Journal Prompts to Bring Happiness to Your Day

writing in journal

31. What’s your favourite book and how does it make you feel?

32. What goal have you set and achieved?

33. When you’ve had hard times, who’s been there to pick you up?

34. What is your favourite time of day and how can you experience the good parts of this time more?

35. How are you ‘privileged’ compared to people who live in other parts of the world?

36. Write a letter to someone who means a lot to you.

  • Share at least 3 reasons you are grateful for them.

37. Think about your 5 senses and write down 1 thing you are grateful for, related to each sense.

  • Sight, sound, smell, touch, taste

38. What positive things are you grateful for within your work environment?

39. What is something you’ve recently learned that you are thankful for?

40. Describe something upsetting you’ve experienced but turned out to be positive?

41. Who makes your life easier on a regular basis?

  • How do they help you?

42. What’s a fond memory you have with a good friend?

43. What variety of food did you eat this week?

  • Think about the people who worked hard to make this food available to you.
  • Also, think about the people who could only dream of eating what you have access to.

44. Write a gratitude list to mother nature.

  • List everything you love and appreciate about nature and the earth.

45. Describe a time you felt really comfortable.

  • Where were you, what was around you?

46. What relationship do you have that you take for granted?

  • How can you show more gratitude to this person?
  • Can you try a random act of kindness?

47. What personal qualities are you grateful for?

  • How do these attributes enhance your life?

48. Write about a great day you’ve had.

  • Share all the details – who, what, where, when.

49. Write about a time someone was really kind to you.

50. What freedom do you have in life that you take for granted?

51. What song do you love and what does it make you think about?

52. How has practicing gratitude impacted your life?

Want To Take These Gratitude Journal Prompts with You?

They are now available on Amazon in my new 52 Week Gratitude Journal!

This journal includes all of the journal prompts in this post accompanied with inspiring quotes, colouring pages, plus lined pages for self-reflection.

See inside the book!

How To Use These Gratitude Journal Prompts:

gratitude journal on desk

If you want to make your gratitude practice part a daily habit, here are some great ways to make that happen.

  • Daily prompt. You can use the above gratitude journal ideas as a daily prompt.
  • Use at the end of each week. These gratitude journal prompts are perfect to use every week of the year.
  • Add to your morning routine. You can also read a prompt first thing in the morning so you can focus on it throughout the day. Then you can write in your journal in the evenings. I love this, as it helps set a positive tone for the entire day and can help you shave a different perspective on daily life.
  • Having a bad day? I highly encourage you to choose a gratitude prompt and begin writing. If anything it will take your mind off of what is upsetting you, which is all we need sometimes to feel better.

Your First Gratitude Journal Prompt: Share in the Comments Below!

What made you smile today?

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Yolanda xo

Yolanda - Put The Kettle On

About Yolanda

Website Owner / Content Creator

I’m passionate about helping you live life to the fullest so you can choose to find happiness and purpose. Learn how to CREATE THE LIFE YOU LOVE with intentional living and discovery of the simple things life has to offer. Learn more…


    1. Hi Rachel – thank you! That’s wonderful that you also help others focus on gratitude. What a difference it makes to our everyday lives 🙂

  1. Thank you so much for putting this together……such great prompts! Practising gratitude makes such a difference in life!

  2. I really love your post. So kind, thoughtful and real. I am a positive person and I am grateful for a lot of things, including having the opportunity to have come across this post. Thanks

    1. Hi Modupe, So happy you enjoyed these gratitude journal prompts. There truly is so much to be grateful for in life 🙂

  3. I like this post. I do gratitude journaling almost every day for years now. It helps me focus on the positive side instead of the negative. It helps me to get over a long time day and improves my self-confidence. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Hi Pam, Thanks for sharing. Being grateful really is a wonderful way to look at life from a positive perspective, especially when life gets tough. I love that it’s increased your self confidence too! xo

    1. I hear you Irene! That’s why I find journal prompts really helpful. It gives you new things to think about when it comes to being grateful.

  4. This is a wonderful article! Just reading through the prompts, has grounded me back in my heart center❤️ I’m looking forward to applying these prompts in my life! Thank you!

  5. It’s a great list. Will definitely try it. I am also into journaling and have written about it on my blog. Give it a read if you like😊
    Thanks for sharing.

  6. These inspired me to pick up my journal again! I usually focus on self-discovery in my journal prompts, but going back to gratitude prompts would be a nice switch! These are some great ideas.

  7. I’ve been thinking about starting a gratitude journal, and this article is so helpful! I love all of the prompts you have included. I’m so excited to start!

  8. What a great post! The gratitude prompts are amazing. I’ve noticed that since I developed a daily gratitude practice, I definitely feel more joy, I have more clarity, and I experience less stress. Thanks for sharing!

  9. Wonderful post! I keep my journal in the car so I don’t forget what I am grateful for if I have a moment or a thought and want to write it down before I forget the feeling I am having. I can’t wait to share your post.

  10. I loved this! Every evening I jot down some moments from my day that made me happy. It is so great to end the day with so many positive thoughts! Thanks for so many wonderful ideas to consider. I will use these prompts to help myself broaden how I express gratitude.

    This morning I spent some time smiling as I watched my girls play together.

  11. These are really thought-provoking questions that will truly make you appreciate what you have. I have never been able to get into a regular habit of journaling, but I still like to think about the practice of gratitude.

  12. I love that you thought of 52 for all the weeks of the year. I wanted to start gratitude journal I haven’t started yet but I think I’ll set aside some time to do this after meditating

  13. This is exactly what my morning routine needs right now: a gratitude journal! I know it would be the most amazing way to kickstart my day. These prompts are fantastic and I can’t wait to begin using them myself. Thank you so much for sharing!

  14. I love the idea of a gratitude journal — and these are great prompts to get someone started. Once you start thinking about things you’re grateful for and consciously practicing gratitude, I find it gets so much easier to find even more things to be grateful for.

  15. These prompts are so helpful! I especially loved #14. I feel like so often, I only try to show gratitude toward the obvious stuff when there is so much more that I take for granted. It is good practice to think a little harder about just how good we have it!

    1. Hi Genesis, That’s wonderful you find these helpful 🙂 That’s where I find journal prompts really useful; to help you explore more. There is certainly so much to be grateful for in life and finding ways to see it and appreciate is a blessing in itself!

  16. Gratitude, gratitude. Being grateful can change your life. I learn how to practice gratitude and I can tell it powerful. It changes your way to see the world. every morning I write down 10 things that I am grateful for and by doing that you see how your life is great.
    The # 43 because mother nature gives us a lot and we tend to forget that.
    Thank you for these questions the reflect on.

    1. I love that you practise gratitude every morning – it’s such a wonderful way to set the day up for positivity 🙂 Thanks for the feedback and take care!

    1. Thanks Michelle! That’s great that you already keep a gratitude journal. Hopefully this post will inspire some ideas as well 🙂

  17. Gratitude is such a gift and a powerful tool for us mentally and emotionally. I love your gratitude prompts! It’s so important to think about the many blessings we DO have instead of focusing on what we feel we are lacking in life.

    1. Hi Lisa 🙂 So true that focusing on our daily blessings is the right way to go. Thanks so much for the positive feedback and take care!

  18. Gratitude really is a game-changer. I haven’t tried gratitude journaling yet, but I’ve been practicing daily gratitude affirmations, and I agree that it shifts how you feel about your circumstances and definitely makes you happier. Thanks for these questions to reflect on; #35 and 41 are great for putting things into perspective.

    1. Thanks for the positive feedback Martha 🙂 Having an ‘attitude of gratitude’ changes perspective on so many things! I love that you practice gratitude affirmations. I’m going to try that too. Take care!

  19. A gratitude journal is such an amazing practice for keeping front and center the important parts of our life and a reminder that even during rough times there is always something to be grateful for. I especially like prompt #12 What comforts in life are you thankful for? I find the most comforting things are often the smallest, like spending time with my pets or going for a relaxing walk.

    1. I agree that the most comforting things in life are the smallest. Walks and time with your pets is perfect. I enjoy the same 🙂 Thanks for your positive feedback Heather!

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