30 Self Love Journal Prompts To Boost Self Esteem

Practicing self love with journal prompts can be a powerful way to support your emotional wellbeing.

Journal on a desk

We can all get down on ourselves at times, especially when life throws us a curveball we aren’t expecting.

When things don’t go as planned many of us have tendencies to blame ourselves.

When this happens we may start to feel down – like we’re not good enough, or we can be achieving more, be more successful, etc.

No matter what our circumstances are SELF LOVE will help you get through tough times, allow you to focus on personal development and see what’s good in your life.

What is Self Love?

Self love is seeing and appreciating our positive qualities and acting in a way that looks after one’s self.

To have self love means to create balance, find positive ways to think about yourself and allow yourself to grow in meaningful ways to be content in life.

Practicing self love is a tool you can use every day to have more control over your happiness and balance in life – to create the life you love.

Related: How To Start Loving Yourself Again

Inspiring TED Talk Describing Self Love

The person you really need to marry (hint: yourself)!

Tracy shares her story about growing up in turmoil to now choosing herself, loving herself. 

Put aside the 13 minutes – a must-watch with tips to love yourself exactly where you are right now.

You build a relationship with yourself to the point where you realize you’re whole right now. There’s no man, woman, job or circumstance that’s going to make you more whole… because you already are. – Tracy McMillan

Before we get into the self love journal prompts, I want you to consider these things:

Pink mug that says "love you"

Some of these self-love journal prompts may be challenging to complete.

This is okay as getting out of your comfort zone is often needed to help you take that first step to find self love.

If you have a hard time finishing a prompt, simply write a few ideas, think about it later and try on another day.

Use these self love journal prompts over the course of a 30 day period.

Once you finish the 30 days (or however long it takes you), look back on your writing and think about how this process worked for you.

  • Did it have a positive impact?
  • Did you start to see things in a more positive light?

Feel free to use these self-love/self-esteem journal prompts again!

Answering these questions at another time could give you very different responses.

The point is to use these journal prompts as a way to build your confidence and love yourself more every day.


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30 Self Love Journal Prompts to Boost Your Confidence and Self Esteem

30 Self Love Journal Prompts to Boost Self Esteem

1. Write about a time you were really proud of yourself.

List everything you remember about that day.

  • Where were you?
  • What did you do?

2. List 5 qualities (at least) that make you unique.

These can be big or small, so get creative with your answers!

3. Think about a challenge you faced and how you became stronger because of it.

Try and be specific with this task.

Think of a certain occasion that was particularly challenging.

  • How did you cope with this situation?
  • How did this experience help you grow and become stronger?

4. How can you love yourself more today?

List 3 feel-good activities you will do, no matter how small.

A great place to start is to think of activities that fit into these categories:

  • Physical
  • Social
  • Intellectual
  • Spiritual
  • Emotional

You can find inspiration inside this printable self-care planner with 75 self-care activities.

5. Write down 10 things you have accomplished that you are proud of.

List things that are big and small, but that are important to you.

6. List at least 10 little things that make you happy

Then circle the one you will do today.

For example: Your best friend, a good morning routine, a good cup of tea.

By listing little things, you can have more control over making sure these happen so you can feel great or give yourself a boost when you need it most.

7. What are you really good at?

It could be a skill, a way of interacting with people, a hobby, anything.

Join me in this 30 day self love journaling challenge! 30 deep and meaningful self love journal prompts you can start today... #selflove #growthmindset #journaling Click To Tweet

8. I am worthy of happiness because…

Really think about why happiness is important to you and what it means.

9. Write a reference letter for yourself.

Yes, this is how it sounds. Imagine you were writing a reference letter for a friend or colleague.

You would list all of the wonderful attributes of that person. You can even think of this as a love letter to you!

This is what I want you to do for yourself.

Make sure to keep the letter and read it when you need a boost of confidence.

10. List 5 things you are passionate about.

What lights you up, makes you curious and gets you excited?

Want to Take These Self Love Journal Prompts with you?!

They are now available on Amazon in my new Love Yourself First Daily Guided Journal

The journal includes all of the self-love journal prompts in this post! Plus positive self-love affirmations, colouring pages and self-care ideas.

See inside the book now!

Self Love Comes in All Different Shapes & Sizes. More Self Love Journal Prompts to try:

young woman on bed writing in her journal

11. Write a negative belief about yourself, then write the opposite to that belief (an alternative belief).

Next, write down how you would feel and behave as if you believed the positive, alternative belief.


  • Negative belief: I am unlikeable.
  • Alternative positive belief: I am liked.

Some people may not like me, but I will focus on the people who do like and love me – and I’ll start with myself.

When I am liked I feel happy and I want to engage with others.

12. Write down 10 activities or hobbies you would like to try.

Circle the first activity or hobby you will try this month.

Here are some ideas for hobbies you can try: The Ultimate List of Hobbies & Interests

13. Write about a happy moment in your life.

  • Where were you?
  • What did you experience?
  • Where you with someone?
  • How did you feel?

Now, remember: You deserve to have more of these memorable, happy experiences and more will come.

14. What is a goal you set and didn’t achieve?

Now, write about what you learned from the process of trying.

Make sure to focus on what you learned, not what you didn’t achieve.

In order to grow, we must fail and when we fail we learn.

15. What advice would you give to your younger self?

  • What’s your age (from the past)?
  • Share your advice.
  • How can you use this advice in your life today?

16. What is a perceived weakness you believe you have? Write 3 ways this weakness can be seen as a strength.

Example: Perceived weakness: I am too sensitive.

This is a strength because:

  • I have empathy for others as I can put myself in their shoes. This allows me to care for them and show my love.
  • I feel my feelings which means I don’t hold things in.
  • Being sensitive allows me to be able to communicate with people in upsetting situations – as I am sensitive to their needs.

17. What do you wish others would say to you? List at least 5 things.

Now, say them to yourself.

Many times we seek approval from others and we do this more often than we should.

This journal prompt allows you to look at what you’re seeking approval on and then to praise yourself instead.

18. List 3 self-love habits you would like to begin.

Beside each habit write the date you will start.

A few examples:

  • Dedicate 30 minutes a day to self care (even if it’s broken up into two 15 minute segments)
  • Practice saying no to people when they are taking advantage.
  • Eat more healthy food to look after your wellbeing.
  • Also, check out this list of life-changing 30 day challenges you can try!

Related: The Importance of Self Love & 7 Self Love Exercises

19. Share your current bedtime routine. What does it look like?

Now, add 2 ways you can add self-love to your nightly routine.

  • What do you do right before bed?
  • What time do you typically go to bed?
  • Are you relaxed at bedtime?

20. Write down 3 things you can stop doing to create more time for self care.

Next, think about how much time you’ll get back when you stop this activity and how you will stop.

Example: Will you give a task to someone else?

Get some tips from this article: No Time for Self Care? Try These 3 Tips.

21. How can you set healthy boundaries in your relationships?

Think about your current relationships.

  • Is anyone taking advantage of you?
  • Do you feel people don’t take you seriously?
  • Are people’s expectations of you not healthy for you to feel happiness?

Write down the circumstance of a relationship you have and detail how you can create healthier boundaries with that individual.

22. What can you do to look after your body today?

woman making smoothie

Even if you just list 1 thing – whatever you list, focus on that today 🙂

Some ideas:

  • Stretch
  • Drink lots of water
  • Yoga
  • Have 3 healthy meals
  • Enjoy a green smoothie

23. How would your past (younger) self be proud of who you’ve become today?

I want you to go deep with this. Think of your positive qualities and how your younger self would be impressed.

24. What do you need to let go of in your life?

It could be a thought, negative self-talk, a situation, even a person.

25. List 10 things you can do immediately to feel better. 

Make this your go-to list when you need it most.

Related: Reduce Stress Quickly with a Feel Better Routine

26. Write 10 self love affirmations. 

Download these 25 positive self love affirmations, plus free printable worksheet to get started.

27. List 10 songs that make you feel happy or lift your mood. 

Reminiscing about your favourite music feels oh so good.

Make sure to not only list songs that make you feel good, but you can also connect a happy memory to.

Now, make a playlist and listen 🙂

28. Write the name of people or resources you can go to for support.

You can list:

  • Friends
  • Family
  • Facebook support groups
  • Doctor
  • Therapist
  • A colleague
  • Your neighbour

Try and think outside the box on this.

29. Write about your dream life.

Now list 3 ways you can recreate aspects of that dream life in today’s reality.

  • Think about how something in your dream life makes you feel?
  • Can you create that feeling in a different way today?

30. Write about something that’s upsetting you, then list 5 things you are grateful for. 

This is to help you get negative thoughts out on paper (so you can release them) and then focus on the positive.

Want to take These Journal Prompts With You?

They are now available on Amazon in my new Love Yourself First Daily Guided Journal! Get all of the above self-love journal prompts in this post, plus self-love affirmations, colouring pages and self-care ideas.

Journaling for Self Love: The Benefits

journal writing

As you can see from the above self love journal prompts – we have dug deep! This is on purpose to really help you reflect on various aspects of your life.

These 30 journal prompts for self love will help you do the following:

  • Boost your self esteem and confidence so you can take on new challenges in life.
  • Create a new daily habit of journaling, which in itself is a wonderful way to practice self love.
  • Allow you to overcome negative feelings or hurtful situations by having a more positive relationship with yourself.
  • Relieve stress and improve your mood.
  • Help you see the good things in life.
  • Practicing self love is part of looking after your future self and these journal prompts are a great tool to get started

Now, all you need to do is grab a notebook, journal, a pen you love and BEGIN.

Final Thoughts:

I hope these self-love journal prompts help you rethink what it means to love your true self.

Finding new ways to practice self-love is a powerful tool that I hope will help you build a healthy self-esteem, take notice of your best personality traits and most importantly, support you if you’re having a bad day.

What Self Love Journal Prompts Resonate with You?

Share in the comments below…

Self Love Resources:

For more inspiration and to get the latest post from Put The Kettle On, let’s connect!

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Yolanda xo

Yolanda - Put The Kettle On

About Yolanda

Website Owner / Content Creator

I’m passionate about helping you live life to the fullest so you can choose to find happiness and purpose. Learn how to CREATE THE LIFE YOU LOVE with intentional living and discovery of the simple things life has to offer. Learn more…


  1. Hi, Yolanda,

    Your resources are simply amazing! I’m a therapist and now your fan. 🙂
    I subscribed to your newsletter in order to get the 25 self-affirmations and worksheets but didn’t receive them. Are you able to help me with this?
    Thank you,
    P.S. I’m from Brazil and there’s a GORGEOUS song in Portuguese called Yolonda. 🙂

    1. Hi Cida, Thanks so much – that means a lot 😉 Let me know if you ended up receiving the affirmations – make sure to check your spam folder just in case. Ooh! I’ll have to listen to it!

  2. I love this challenge. I will start doing this today! I do think I’ll have a hard time with a couple but it will be a great challenge for me that will be worth it!

  3. It’s been a really long time since I’ve journaled properly. I was on a roll earlier on this year, but then the pandemic happened and I stopped entirely. Why oh WHY did I stop when I needed it most? I appreciate you sharing these prompts. It’ll be the perfect way for me to dive back in with some real heart-searching.

    1. Thanks Britnay. I hope you’ll be able to use these 🙂 Focusing on self-reflection is so good for your heart and soul so keep it up!

    1. Hi Brittany, Thanks! I love that some of these inspired you to write blog posts. That’s great! I’d love to read them when you publish 🙂

    1. Hi Ayanna! Hopefully they’ll inspire you. Once you start it doesn’t become more of an easy habit to do daily.

  4. What advice would you give your younger self? I love this question. If I could go back in time, I would listen to my parents more and take in and absorb all of their advice and guidance. I would also tell my younger self that it is okay to be yourself, enjoy life more, and not take on so much debt. 🙂

  5. I love the write a reference for yourself! I do this for so many people (recommendations and references) it’s such a great mind shift to do apply those feelings of love and appreciation internally! Thanks for this post I think it will help a lot of people.

    1. Thanks for the note Carly! We sure do need a push at times! That’s actually part of why I created these journal prompts – to make it easier for people 🙂 Take care!

  6. This is such a perfect 30-day challenge ❤️ Self-love is powerful and really necessary. I love how one can develop this and become self-aware by answering these simple yet, important questions da by day. Thank you for sharing!

    1. Thanks Vanessa for the positive feedback. I hope this gives people support when they truly need it 🙂 Take care!

    1. Thanks Cathy! Glad you’ll be trying them out. I’d love to know how it went once you complete the journal prompts. Take care!

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