The Importance of Self Love + 7 Exercises to Love Yourself Today

Looking for some new ways to practice self-love?

Loving yourself is vital to living a happy, balanced and meaningful life. Many of us are busy trying to impress, look after and go over and above for other people.

But where do we fit ourselves in? When do we find the time to truly look after ourselves?

Pink mug that says "love you"

Below I have some fantastic ideas on self-love exercises you can begin to practice right away. First, though, I want to say this…

Self Love is NOT a selfish act.

Self-love is not about being vain or overconfident.

Self-love is what you and I need to survive this crazy, fast-paced world of stress, change, ups, downs, goals, challenges, competition, etc.

If we are constantly fighting to be bigger, better, and stronger we must find some self-love techniques to stick to regularly.

Oxford Dictionary self love definition:

Regard for one’s own well-being and happiness.

– This says it all and the below examples of self-love will help you do just that.

The Importance of Self Love:

Psychology Today has a great perspective on why self-love is so important:

“…most human beings hurt, and they pass this hurt along to other people. Understanding this can help you turn your attention from waiting and wanting someone to make you whole, to realizing you have that ability inside of you.”

We can’t rely 100% on others to make us feel good, proud or to help grow our self-esteem.

Learning how to love yourself enables you to be happy in your current situation and appreciate the current journey you’re on.

Loving yourself gives you the strength to move forward, even in tough times.

Related reading: 30 Self Love Journal Prompts to Boost Self Esteem

7 Ways To Practice Self Love (Infographic)


7 Self Love Exercises to love yourself first:

woman hand on chest

1. Prioritize yourself.

In order to practice self-love, you must prioritize it in your life. Yes, sounds simple but how?!

There are a few ways you can do this such as using the technique of time blocking or being more mindful about finding time in your schedule.

What it really comes down to is this… if you don’t make the time for mindful self-love it will be harder to accomplish.

Once you prioritize time for self-love, take a mental note of what makes you feel good so you can do more of that!

2. Affirmations to love yourself.

Sometimes you need to give yourself a pep talk and this is where positive self love affirmations come in.

You may not realize it, but you are probably doing this throughout your day.

It may sound something like…

I can do this. I am smart and have killer jokes.

I am a loving, good person. 

I was made for this. I’m going to nail it.

I deserve respect and loyalty.

I am brave. I can take on whatever comes my way today.

Coming up with a list of the right self-love affirmations is quite personal.

A great way to get started is by simply jotting down some affirmation reminders that you need to hear.

A list of self-love affirmations to get you started:

  • I am beautiful, inside and out.
  • I deserve to experience happiness in all aspects of my life.
  • I am strong.
  • I will follow my heart.
  • I love myself and the unique qualities I have.
  • I am proud of the person I am today.
  • I have no regrets in life.

It might sound silly, but pick one or two affirmations and say them to yourself while you’re getting ready in the morning. Maybe while you’re in the shower or brushing your teeth?!

7 Self love techniques you must try to love yourself today + why #selflove is so important. #loveyourself #selfcare Click To Tweet

3. Practice regular self care.

We’ve all read a lot about self-care. We know what we should be doing to practice self-care, but we are still not prioritizing it in our daily routine.

What gives?!

You can make time for self-care in a few ways:

Dedicate Specific Time In Your Calendar

Tuesday night yoga class or Sunday morning brunch with friends.

Incorporate Self Care Into Everyday Activities

Enjoying a good cup of tea while working or listening to music while cleaning the house.

Try Some Self Care Worksheets

Try out these powerful printable self care worksheets that focus on 5 key areas that drive happiness:

  • Social
  • Physical
  • Emotional
  • Intellectual
  • Spiritual

This mini self-care planner will help you schedule the right self care activities for you. There are also 75 new ideas you can try! Check it out HERE!

Take Mini Self Care Breaks

Go on a 15-minute brisk walk in the middle of your day or 10 minutes to call a close friend.

4. Get some quality alone time.

There are two types of people in this world. Those who love to be alone and those who loathe it!

Okay, you might be somewhere in the middle, but I ask you this…

When was the last time you dedicated some QUALITY time to hang out with yourself?!

There are many fun things you can do on your own, such as going on a date with yourself. Have you ever tried this?

Sure, you could go and have fun with a friend, but doing something you love on your own feels so rewarding.

Check out these 10 self date ideas you can try now!

When was the last time you dedicated some QUALITY time to hang out with yourself?! #selflove #selfcare #loveyourself Click To Tweet

5. Look after your mind and body.

Many would say one of the top ways to practice self-love is to simply look after you.

Look after your body with healthy eating habits and regular exercise.

Taking care of your mind goes hand in hand with looking after your body. If you’re feeling unhappy or experiencing depression or sadness, it’s even harder to look after your body and to practice self-love.

So, if you are ever going through a tough time consider therapy. I couldn’t recommend it enough.

I am a firm believer that everyone needs to speak to a therapist at some point in your life.

You can also speak with a loved one. The key is to find a way to look after your feelings.

6. Stand up for yourself.

Self-love is being kind to yourself. It’s standing up for you… for what you believe in, for what you feel is right in your heart and knowing what is good for you.

We know ourselves more than anyone. We know when our limits are being pushed by others, whether we’re being pushed emotionally or physically – sometimes we just need to say no.

Saying no allows us to be good to ourselves and create balance in our lives.

If you have trouble saying no here are some simple steps you can take to say no without feeling guilty.

If you sometimes say maybe, when you want to say no this is especially important for you my friend.

Self love is setting boundaries. #selfcare #loveyourself #happiness Click To Tweet

7. Don’t let people be cruel to you.

When you love someone you can sometimes be blind-sighted about how they treat you. You think about how they used to be, or how you wish your relationship was.

You may not realize that you are being treated in a cruel manner – yet this person might slowly be knocking down your happiness and self-esteem.

If this is you, I am so so sorry. Being in this situation, especially for a sensitive person can be extremely upsetting.

Saying that you must set boundaries.

If you constantly feel hurt by someone you have to work even harder to grow your strength.

Practicing self-love affirmations and talking to a therapist, as mentioned above are two great ways to strengthen your emotions so you can look after yourself.

Tell me: Are you good at practising Self Love?

Share in the comments below what self-love techniques are your favourite or what you’re going to try next.

For more inspiration and to get the latest post, let’s connect on social media!

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Yolanda xo

Yolanda - Put The Kettle On

About Yolanda

Website Owner / Content Creator

I’m passionate about helping you live life to the fullest so you can choose to find happiness and purpose. Learn how to CREATE THE LIFE YOU LOVE with intentional living and discovery of the simple things life has to offer. Learn more…


  1. These are some great tips! I’ve always been that person who is constantly on the move, never slowing down. As a result, there is no ‘me time’ in my usual schedule. This whole situation right now has forced me to take a step back and slow down. Looking at the silver lining – it has helped me to see the benefits of taking that time for myself. I’m hoping that I can use this as a turning point for myself moving forward, prioritizing that time as well.

  2. This post is great! We definitely need to hear all this and take this advice often to make sure we practice self-love. Well done and thank you for sharing all those wonderful insights 🙂

    Julia x

  3. Such a lovely article on self love. As I get older I am beginning to better understand the importance of self love and why we must instil it into our daily lives. This was a perfect article summing it up. I also loved your affirmations!

  4. Yes, this blog says it all. I think it’s truly important to take care of oneself. The way that you wrote about standing up for yourself is true. I am still learning to stand up for myself and how to not tolerate those who don’t respect me. It’s important to practice self care daily! I do this every single day whether it’s meditating, doing yoga and journaling. All of this is so important!

  5. Wonderful tips! I love “getting some quality time with yourself”. I always say that my self-love language is coffee shop afternoons. A yummy drink, a brownie, and some time to just blog… oh yes that fills me up!

  6. My weeks are generally pretty hectic, but when I schedule in massages every two weeks, I always keep that appointment! It’s a really great self-care treat to myself (that insurance covers!).

  7. So many great tips! Having your priorities in the right order is key. It’s hard to care for others if you are not properly caring for yourself.

  8. This is so much more than just the average self care post. This goes so much deeper and you’re right: Loving ourselves and respecting our selves is the greatest form of self care. I recently incorporated daily affirmations into my life and have noticed a tremendous difference in the way I feel and the way I approach taking care of myself. Those affirmations have given me the confidence to ask for time for myself without guilt and to do the things that fill my cup. And in turn my family has also benefited from a less anxious mom and wife. This post is a great reminder to me to continue developing these types of self care routines.

    1. Thanks so much Jill! I’m really happy to hear you’ve been filling your cup more with positive affirmations. What a difference it makes for self love and self care! Looking after yourself is so important when you have a family as well – since I’m sure you are busy looking after them most of time! xo

  9. There are so many good tips to help us fall back in love with ourselves.
    Loving ourselves is natural, remember how obsessed we used to be with our own image when we were kids, who never kissed their own reflection as a baby?
    I guess spending time with ourselves is one of the most important tip on this list because, without that we couldn´t even start to figure out how to take better care of ourselves.
    The affirmations are also crucial, I started practicing them a little while ago and as uncomfortable as they can make you at first, the things you´re saying really start entering your head after a while and you really start believing them.
    Thank you for writing this, Yolanda.
    We all need to love ourselves more so we can offer whatever is overflowing in us.

    1. That is such a good point Carla. When we were younger we were very focused on loving ourselves. We didn’t have to even think about doing it! For sure – spending good, quality time alone is so nourishing to the heart and soul. I love it! Thanks so much for your feedback Carla. Have a lovely day xoxo

  10. I had a pretty rough day on Saturday. I deal with frequent bouts of depression. Thank you for this. This is exactly what I needed to see to kick off my week. I really need to work on self love and acceptance.

    1. Hi Kimmy! I’m sorry to hear you had a rough day. I understand where you are coming from as bouts of depression hit me as well. What helps me get through it is trying to be more mindful in my day and do my best to appreciate the simple pleasures in life. I hope you can try a few of these self love techniques as I know it will make you feel good 🙂 xo

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