Morning Self-Care Routine: 20 Ideas to Start Your Day

Want to enhance your morning self-care routine?

If you’re like me you KNOW that starting your morning with a healthy self-care routine is really good for you. Yes?

Teacup and saucer with steaming tea & green plants on the background.

Well, I’m writing this post today so you and I can actually start making this morning self-care ritual come true!

Please join me on a journey to start our days off better, which will make a huge impact on our lives!

Your day is pretty much formed by how you spend your first hour. Check your thoughts, attitude and heart. Click To Tweet
Quote: Your day is pretty much formed by how you spend your first hour. Check your thoughts, attitude and heart. Image: Coffee on a window.

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First things first, for your Moring Self-Care Routine:

Do your best to wake up a little earlier – to allow you more time in the morning.

This is the first step to starting your day off on the right foot and begin this positive, new morning routine.

Here’s what I recommend…

Get out of bed 1 hour earlier in the morning.

Yes, it’s that simple (or hard depending on your situation). Here are some tricks that help me wake up in the morning:

  • Set your alarm clock early.
  • Don’t press snooze – or do press snooze once if that’s what you need, but then get up!
  • Don’t stay up too late. You still want to aim for your 7 – 9 hours of sleep.
  • If you wake up in the early morning, open your blinds so the sun can help you rise.
  • Also, check out this super easy tip to get out of bed in the morning.

–Whatever you do, I promise it WILL become a habit and your body will eventually be happy to get up earlier. I promise!

Related: Self Care 101. 9 Ways to Look After You

Need some ideas for your morning self care routine? Here are a few things you can try... #selfcare #selflove #morningroutine Click To Tweet

Now that you’re starting a new morning self-care Routine I want to ask:

  1. What makes you feel good?
  2. What do you consider a healthy treat?
  3. How would you spend an extra 30 to 60 mins of your day if you had time?

This will help you decide how to spend the first part of your day.

*Also, find time to practice self-care every day of the week with these gorgeous printable self-care worksheets (includes 75 new ideas)!

Quote: "When you arise in the morning think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive - to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love. Marcus Aurelius. Image: Sun rise over the hills in the distance.

20 Morning Self-Care Ideas to Start Your Day

20 Morning Self-Care Ideas For Your Routine

Tip! If you are bad at focusing on one thing at a time, set the timer and time block your morning self care.

1. Spend the first 30 minutes of your day with NO media

I’m talking no TV, radio, social media… nothing!

When was the last time you did this? If you have zero media during the first 30 minutes of your day, the question is; who would you fill your time?

Now go do that!

Have you tried to spend the first part of your day with NO media? Without this distraction, how would you spend your time? #selfcare #morningroutine #wakeup Click To Tweet

2. Take a walk around the block

If you have a dog you are used to this, but if not try walking. It’s a great way to wake up naturally and enjoy listening to the world waking up.

Depending on where you live you can walk to a cafe for your morning brew, or simply just walk, stretch and contemplate.

Try going for a gratitude walk as a new exercise.

3. Journaling

Whether you actively journal or not, first thing in the morning is the perfect time to dedicate to this.

I like to write all of my thoughts down – good, bad and everything in between.

This is a great way to get something concerning off your chest and an even better way to just let go of any upsetting feelings.

By writing positive, grateful feelings in your journal it will give you a chance to really practise gratitude for the good things you have in your life.

Check out my Self Love Journal– Available on Amazon

Practice self-love every day to find balance, create a positive mindset and give yourself permission to grow in meaningful ways. 

Learn more about this 30-day self-love journal challenge.

4. Put the kettle (or coffee pot) on & make it a ritual

I know most of us do this every single day, but let me ask you this…

When was the last time you actually drank your chosen cup of goodness while it was still hot?!

During your alone morning time, you can make brewing up an enjoyable process.

  • Enjoy every sip.
  • Sit down and drink your tea or coffee in peace or while you do a little gratitude journaling or reading.
  • Drink your hot cup outside if you can while you hear the birds waking up 🙂
Check out these 7 ways you can show yourself some love in the morning 🙂 #selfcare #selflove #morningroutine Click To Tweet

5. Read a Book that Inspires You

I think the best type of book to read first thing in the morning is something that inspires you; something that sets the stage for the day you want to have.

6. Tune into your spirituality

young woman meditating

For some that will be reading from the bible. For others, it could be meditating or simply, practising yoga or simply spending some time on positive affirmations.

Dedicating time in your morning self-care routine to practice being spiritual is the key for many of us to set the stage for the kind of day we want.

7. Activate Your Scent

So many of us tie certain scents to happy thoughts and memories.

Take a moment to think about what scents give you happy feelings. Make a list of this + other scents that you love.

For example, here are mine:

  • The smell of freshly cut grass
  • Mud in the spring
  • Fresh flowers
  • Lavender

So for me, going for a walk in the morning is ideal, so I can find these lovely smells.

Think about how you can bring your favourite scents into your morning routine.

Related: 125 Simple Pleasures To Fill You with Joy

8. Speak To Someone You Love

Having a chat in the morning with someone who fills you up is a great way to start your day on the right foot.

I like to speak to my best friend on the phone or Facetime my parents. It’s just a little check-in that’s for you and your relationship.

9. Practice Gratitude

Focusing on the positive in your life is a powerful way to start your day.

Take time to reflect on what brings you joy and what you appreciate. Then write down whatever comes to mind.

Another way to practice gratitude is with journal prompts which can help you think about the present moment but also reminisce about positive experiences in your life.

👉 Give these 52 gratitude journal prompts a try.

10. Eat a Healthy Breakfast

Give yourself the gift of fueling your body with what feels good. You deserve to make time for something healthy.

Some great options are a green smoothie, fruit and yogurt, overnight oats, or avocado on toast.

11. Listen to Some Feel-Good Music

woman having morning tea in the kitchen

Listen to your favourite artist, a happy playlist or a great DJ to get your morning moving in the right direction.

12. Tend To Your Plants

Water your houseplants, check and water your vegetable garden and outdoor plants and have a little chat with your plants while you’re at it!

Also, try getting your hands in the soil which is extremely grounding.

13. Listen To An Inspirational Podcast

This is something I’ve started doing to set my intention for the day. Think about what you need to hear in the morning to set your day up for success.

14. Watch A Motivational YouTube Video

Again, this is truly helpful to help you set that intention of the day. I personally love watching anything from Gabe Bult.

He talks a lot about productivity and habits and his videos always get me in the right frame of mind to have a successful work day.

15. Move Your Body

There are so many benefits of exercising in the morning, such as making healthier food choices for the day, better focus, increased energy and improved mood. (source)

So choose something you love and and aim for 30 minutes.

16. Do Some Mindfulness Exercises

The key goal of mindfulness is to be present in the moment and there are a lot of mindfulness practices and techniques to help you do this. Some examples:

  • Body scan meditation
  • Walking meditation
  • Mindful gardening
  • Breathing Exercises

Check out this breathing exercise to help you center yourself and be in the present moment.

17. Take A Soothing Bath or Shower

Different from a quick shower, take some time to truly enjoy yourself. Think of it as some pampering time.

To make this time extra special try some:

  • Shower steamers or bath balms
  • Take time washing your hair, exfoliating, etc
  • Play some relaxing or upbeat music
  • Light a candle or diffuse some essential oils

18. Write Your To-Do List

You can do this for the day or the week.

Many of us can feel overwhelmed and stress when we think about everything we need to do.

However, many times your to-do’s may seem way bigger (and more daunting) then they actually are.

So, when you write a list you’ll be able to see the big picture and make a plan that works within your schedule.

19. Create a Self Care Plan

There is an exercise I love doing called ‘Building A Happy Week’. Essentially you will use all 5 key areas of self-care (social, physical, emotional, intellectual, spiritual) and make sure you are getting enough of them every week.

Check out the self-care planner here to help you get started.

20. Write a morning gratitude list

Everyone can benefit from starting their morning with gratitude. You see when you focus on practicing gratitude every day, you’ll end up with more things to be grateful for in life.

So write a short list of what you are grateful for today.

Let’s recap your self-care morning routine:

  1. No media for the first 30 minutes of your day
  2. Take a walk
  3. Start journaling
  4. Brew up and make it a ritual
  5. Read something that inspires you
  6. Get spiritual
  7. Add some happy scents to your morning
  8. Speak to someone you love
  9. Practice gratitude
  10. Eat a healthy breakfast
  11. Listen to feel-good music
  12. Look after your plants
  13. Listen to an inspirational podcast
  14. Watch a motivational YouTube video
  15. Move your body
  16. Mindfulness exercises
  17. Take a soothing bath or shower
  18. Write your to-do list
  19. Create a self-care plan
  20. Write a gratitude list

These are the few ways I love to start my day.

What self-care ideas will you add to your morning routine?

Share in the comments section below!

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Yolanda xo

Related Resources To Enhance Your Morning Self-Care Routine:

Yolanda - Put The Kettle On

About Yolanda

Website Owner / Content Creator

I’m passionate about helping you live life to the fullest so you can choose to find happiness and purpose. Learn how to CREATE THE LIFE YOU LOVE with intentional living and discovery of the simple things life has to offer. Learn more…


  1. Loved this post! I’ve been trying to go on daily walks and have wanted to go in the mornings but haven’t done it yet. I took a screen shot of your tips to help with my morning routine!

    1. Hi Alexandra! Thanks so much 🙂 One thing that helps me get out in the morning (other than my dog staring at me!) is walking before I have my tea. Even if I’m super sleepy I walk. Then once I’m home that cup of tea tastes all the better!

  2. I have always been a “morning person”. To me it is the best time of the day. I already implement many of your ideas. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Hey Jolayne! I agree with you. It’s my favourite time of day too. Glad you have a wonderful morning routine. What do you enjoy doing in the mornings?

  3. These are great tips! Something I do in the morning, and throughout the day, is drink a lot of spring water. We get it from this place called Cedar Springs and we’re totally obsessed. It makes me feel productive, knowing I’m staying hydrated, and that carries over to other things.

  4. Such lovely ideas – I never thought about the scent one, though I suppose I kind of do this with my morning coffee routine. You have inspired me to bust out my pour-over coffee maker and enjoy this process. Also, I too often find myself diving right into work rather than walking my puppies, first. I think I will switch it up. 🙂 Thank you!

    1. Hi Jamie! So happy to have inspired you 🙂 Starting your day right makes such a difference. Enjoy your mornings 🙂 xo

  5. I used to love my mornings and going for beach walks to activate my scent and meditate in the morning. I was only saying earlier today that I’m going to change back to going to bed early so I enjoy mornings again. Thank you for the reminder of how beautiful and productive mornings are.

    1. Beach walks in the morning sound unbelievable! Lucky you that you can do this! I hope you do start them again. Take care Angie!

  6. My mornings are always my weak spot, probably because I have been a night owl for as long as I can remember. However, I am trying to make my mornings better and applying these tips to my day is sure to help.

  7. What lovely ideas to start the day! I hadn’t considered thinking about scent first thing in the morning before but it really makes sense! My sense of smell is very acute and scents can really trigger different moods for me. Great idea!

  8. I do enjoy a cup of coffee in the morning and I make it a point to not tune into any social media as soon as I wake up. I found a great book to start my day off on a positive and spiritual note: Miracles Now by Gabby Bernstein. Can’t wait to start adding that to my morning routine.

  9. I could definitely do with a better routine – I have lost the plot a little bit in this respect lately!
    I find I reach for my phone first thing, hit the coffee straight away (I used to be such a healthy breakfast eater) and then go straight into work… I need to have a little self-care first thing that is for sure!

  10. I learnt a while back that it is better to have 10 minutes less sleep and have a relaxed morning than to fly around the house going crazy. I also prepare the night before, which makes life a whole lot easier!

  11. These are great tips! The first thing i do every morning is scroll through my social medias. I should really try no media for the first half hour!

  12. I would love to have the motivation to go for a walk in the morning! Activating a happy scent is also a great idea. When I’m stressed, I put lavender oil on the tip of my nose but I haven’t thought to try it as a morning routine. Thanks for the ideas!

  13. I like the idea to activate your scent. Scent is such a powerful activation tool. Smells have the ability to bring is back to a different time. Thinking about the smells that make us happy probably helps our positive mood. I’m going to try this! Thanks for the tip.

  14. Loved reading this! It gave me a bunch of good ideas – I’ve been meaning to change around my morning routine for a while now. Beautifully written! Thanks for the article!

  15. I love the idea of going for a walk in the morning. Once it’s not freezing in the AM, I’m definitely going to start doing that!

  16. I can’t tell you how many times I leave work frazzled in the mornings and it ruins my whole day. These are great tips I’ll definitely start implementing!

    1. Hi Beth! I hear you. If you start your day off on the wrong foot you can definitely feel it all day long. xo

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