70 Mindfulness Questions For Self-Reflection
Using mindfulness questions for self-reflection is a powerful way to tap into how you are feeling in this present moment.

The best part is that anyone (from all walks of life) can use these questions to see how they are doing today from a physical and emotional perspective.
Before were get into to questions let’s talk a little about mindfulness in general…
What is Mindfulness?
Mindfulness is a practice derived from Buddhist principles where the main objective is to direct one’s attention to the present moment through one’s thoughts, emotions and sensory experiences.
This can be achieved through traditional meditation or other day-to-day activities.
Mindfulness in the Western world began in 1979 when John Kabat-Zinn developed what would become the Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) program at the University of Massachusetts Medical Center.
The Benefits of Mindful Reflection
Since 1979 mindfulness has become an extremely popular personal growth practice that has many benefits such as:
- improving cognitive ability
- slowing brain aging
- reducing stress, anxiety, and depression symptoms
- increasing a sense of well-being
- helping with pain management
- improving quality of life for those living with chronic conditions
“Mindfulness is simply being aware of what is happening right now without wishing it were different; enjoying the pleasant without holding on when it changes (which it will); being with the unpleasant without fearing it will always be this way (which it won’t).”
– James Baraz
What Are Some Common Mindfulness Practices?
There are many different styles of mindfulness you can practice. Here are some examples…
Mindful Walk
Think of a mindful walk as a sort of walking meditation. As you move your body, think about where you are in the given moment.
- What are you thinking?
- How does your body feel?
- What do you have gratitude for?
Below you’ll find more questions you can use for a mindfulness walk.
Mindfulness Journaling
Using a mindfulness journal as a daily practice is a powerful way to live in the present moment.
You can find the right questions for you in this list below to work on your mindfulness practice.
Another way you can use journaling for mindfulness is when you’re going through a hard time. Use your journal as a way to release all your feelings onto the pages.
Body Scan Meditation
Body scan meditation is the act of mindfully scanning your body from head to toe. It will allow you to release tension and ground yourself as you move from each part of your body.
You’ll center your full attention on your bodily sensations and experiences in the current moment.
Check out this body scan meditation for beginners to give it a try.
👉 For more mindfulness exercises check out this post: 25 Mindfulness Worksheets & Exercises for Adults and Kids
Mindfulness Questions For The Present Moment
These mindfulness questions are designed to be used when you need to check in with yourself in the present moment.
They can help you uncover any issues you might be facing and provide you with inspiration to move forward.
1. How do I feel in this present moment?
What’s your overall mood?
👉 If you’d like to understand your mood, more specifically what triggers certain moods download my free printable mood tracker.
2. Do I have any physical sensations in my body?
What are they? How do they feel?
Pay close attention to your breathing. Take long, deep mindful breaths.
3. Why do you think this physical sensation is happening?
Think about whether something may have triggered you, or if you’re feeling anxious or excited about an upcoming event.
4. How does my overall mental health feel at this very moment?
Are you currently struggling with anything? Are you processing any difficult emotions?
5. Do I have any recurring negative thoughts running through my mind?
If so, what are they? When your mind wanders it may turn to negative self-talk, things you’re worried about or something difficult you’re going through.
6. Who Can I Turn To, To Share My Thoughts and Feelings?
This could be a close friend, parent, spouse, sibling, or therapist.
7. What are some positive things I am grateful for today?
Write everything and everyone you are grateful for.
8. What is the most important thing I need to focus on today?
This might feel hard to answer, but think about the thing that is at the top of your mind, plus if there is any urgency.
9. What advice can I give my current self?
Imagine you were your own friend. Knowing what you know about yourself in this moment (based on your answers to the above questions), what advice or guidance will you give yourself?
Mindful Questions For Your Journal
10. In what ways can I get out of my comfort zone?
Also, think about the benefits of getting out of your comfort zone in a specific area of life.
11. What small steps can I take to get out of my comfort zone?
For example, let’s say you want to feel more comfortable going to social events. You might break down the steps in this way…
12. What is my overall quality of life?
Think about areas that are important to you. Happiness, purpose, work/life balance, close relationships, health and so on.
13. How can I improve different aspects of my life?
Look at your answers in the above questions and brainstorm ways you can make your life easier or more intentional.
14. How am I looking after myself today, this week, and this month?
This can be accomplished with little things throughout your day.
Think stretching, getting enough sleep, having a call with your best friend, enjoying cozy cups of tea or taking a walk after dinner.
15. How can I live my best life?
Write down everything that comes to mind – in all areas of your life… career, family, relationships, home, finances, health, etc.
16. What am I looking forward to in the next 6 to 12 months?
As with the above question, think about this in key areas of your life.
For inspiration check out this post on the 9 types of goal setting for different areas of life.
17. What are my long-term goals?
List 3 to get started. Use the SMART goals method to help you define your goals.
18. When was the last time I did something I love?
This could be a hobby, spending quality time with a friend or family member, or giving yourself some rest and rejuvenation.
19. What time of day do I feel most productive?
I can personally accomplish much more first thing in the morning. So I use this time to work on projects that need more strategy and thinking.
For you, you might work best at nighttime.
20. What does my routine look like on a daily basis?
Do you have one? If so, provide a brief overview of what this looks like.
21. What would I like to add or remove from my current routine?
Look back at question 19 and also think about how you might change your routine to fit in more productive time.
22. What small things make me smile?
Think of this as a feel-good list. Perfect to turn to when you need to boost your mood.
23. How can I incorporate more of these small things into my life?
This is about being intentional so you can create more moments of joy in your day.
24. What can I remove from my weekly to-do list?
Think about regular tasks you do that you either
a) Don’t need to do – and can remove from your list altogether
b) Can give to someone else
25. How would I like to focus on my personal development?
There are so many ways we busy our days or spend time doing things that don’t matter (scrolling social media).
Imagine instead allowing yourself to prioritize personal development and growth.
Here are some things you might consider…
- Take a 30-day challenge
- Sign up for an online course
- Start a new healthy habit and track it
- Create a better work/life balance
- Focus on things you can control in life – vs. what you can’t
26. Are there any areas in life I feel guilty?
- What are they?
- Think about why you feel guilty
- Then ask yourself if you think you should feel guilty
27. What relaxes me and helps me unwind?
List your go-to’s that you know you can turn to when you need some relaxation.
Also check out this post for inspiration: 100 Relaxing Activities To Destress & Calm Your Mind
28. Is there anything I need to let go of?
This might be a thought, a person or a feeling.
29. What puts me in a good mood?
To give you an example, here are some of the things that put me in a good mood:
- Watching cute animal videos
- Chatting with my bestie on the phone
- A good cup of tea
- A cuddle with my hubby, son or dog
- Walking around the block
- Playing good music
- Diffusing essential oils
- Gardening
30. How can I be more grateful in my daily life?
Whether it’s daily gratitude journaling, using gratitude affirmations or learning to appreciate the little things in life there are so many positive ways you can practice gratitude. And boy – will you ever notice a positive impact on your life.
31. How can I express gratitude to those around me?
Think about different people in your life that you want to express your gratitude to.
- Make a list of these people
- Write down individual ways you can show your gratitude to each person
32. What makes me laugh?
Funny videos, your Dad’s jokes, specific TikTok accounts? List everything that makes you chuckle.
33. How can I create more space for fun and laughter?
Think about how to add this into your daily routine as well as actually scheduling something on a weekly basis.
34. How can you simplify your life?
Are there things you can implement to make your life a little easier – more simple?
This might be decluttering so you can find things, doing a load of laundry mid-week so it doesn’t build up on the weekends or learning how to say no.
Related: 25 Ways To Embrace Simple Living
35. What are my personal boundaries?
Think about various aspects of your life that you’d like to set boundaries – work, home, relationships, etc.
This might be leaving work at 5 pm every day so you can have quality family time in the evenings, or putting your family’s needs first before other friendships/relations.
While answering this question try to get as specific as possible.
36. How can I stick to these boundaries?
Once you answer the above question, especially about getting specific now it’s time to brainstorm some ways to stick to these personal boundaries.
Questions to use on a mindfulness walk
37. What can I hear in this moment? Waves, traffic, birds, laughter, construction, the wind
38. What can I see? Trees, flowers, people walking, a biker, a dog
39. What scents are around me? Lavender, bread, coffee, grass
40. Can I taste anything? Saltiness in the air
41. What can I feel? Humidity on my skin, wind in my hair, sun on my face, grass between my toes
42. Do I see movement? Cars speeding by, leaves of the trees swaying in the wind, birds, flying
43. What do I appreciate in this moment? The ability to move freely, or the simple movement of walking with purpose
More Mindfulness Questions To Check In With Yourself
44. How do you show yourself love?
45. What are you proud of accomplishing recently?
46. What gives you the motivation to keep going when things get tough?
47. How do I feel when I wake up in the morning?
48. How do I feel when I go to sleep at night?
49. What challenges have you recently overcome? This month or this year.
50. What do I need most in this season of life?
51. How can I make time for what I need most?
52. What small acts of kindness can I show to others more regularly?
53. Is there anything I’m afraid of? Why might this be?
54. How can I overcome these fears?
55. What are your daily habits? Is there anything you’d like to add or remove?
56. Am I holding onto any grudges?
57. How can I let these grudges go?
58. Who are the most important people in my life?
59. How do I want people to think of me?
60. Where do I need motivation today?
61. What positive affirmations can I write to get me motivated? (See these affirmations to inspire you)
62. How can I stay positive when you’re going through a tough time?
63. What encouraging words can I say to yourself today?
64. In what ways can I celebrate myself and my wins?
65. Is there anything I take for granted in life?
66. What am I really good at?
67. What things do I want to accomplish this month?
68. What am I most proud of in life?
69. How have I grown in the past year?
70. What life lessons have I learned?
Mindfulness Questions To Ask Yourself: Final Thoughts
Using some or all of these mindfulness questions over time is a powerful tool to check in with your emotions and overall well-being.
They’ll help you see:
- What’s important to you
- Areas you can work on for better life balance
- How things are going for you in the moment
- Things to be grateful for every day
Do You Practice Mindfulness on a regular basis?
If yes, I’d love to hear what practices you use. Share in the comments below to inspire others!
Related Mindfulness Resources:
Check out more mindfulness resources to inspire you…
- 100 Positive Mindfulness Quotes To Be Present
- How To Create A Mindful Morning Routine
- How To Practice Mindfulness: 14 Techniques
- 25 Tips To Live In The Present Moment
- 65 Inspiring Quotes To Live In The Present
About Yolanda
Website Owner / Content Creator
I’m passionate about helping you live life to the fullest so you can choose to find happiness and purpose. Learn how to CREATE THE LIFE YOU LOVE with intentional living and discovery of the simple things life has to offer. Learn more…