25 Tips To Live In The Present Moment, Starting Now

Do you find yourself overwhelmed with life – all the time? Constantly worrying about an event that’s taking place next week, or stressing about a bad interaction with someone at work?

This is where learning how to live in the present can be beneficial to reducing stress and finding more happiness in your day.

woman in field

In the past, I was pretty bad at living in the present. So it was something I was constantly striving to improve on.

If you’re anything like me, you are a dreamer, goal setter and thinking of a million things at once. 

This can be seen as positive, but it also means that you may not be taking in the experiences, joy and meaning in life right now.

This is why finding ways to live in the present has been a real priority for me over the last few years.

Want to join me on my quest to live in the present? Let’s dig in!

“Being Present” Meaning

Whatever you want to call it (living in the moment, being mindful or living with intention) being present means being focused on the now, experiencing and enjoying the moment you’re in.

The goal is to let go of past events or focusing on future plans and to live in the current moment.

The Benefits of Living in the Present Moment

smiling woman outside

There are countless positive effects of living in the present. Here are just a few…

Less Stress

By thinking about what you are doing in this present moment in time, you are focused on the task at hand or a place of contentment.

This means you aren’t worried about the future or the past.

By finding ways to be mindful of what you are doing in the moment allows you to slowly release tension and stress.

Improved Relationships

You will be a better friend if you are truly present. This means you can be a better listener, offer valuable advice, have a good laugh and offer more love.

Living in the present in your relationships means more happiness for you and your friend, family member or spouse.

Experience Gratitude

If you are living in the present that means you can truly see what you have in life.

  • Everyday simple pleasures in life that bring you joy
  • People who are always there for you that you might currently be taking for granted
  • Embracing gratitude in your life which leads to positive thinking about your current situation

Living in the present allows you to think of what you have and not focus on what you don’t yet have.

Enhanced Productivity

If you are being present this also means you are getting things accomplished!

We all want this.

There is no time to worry about past events or the future if you are focused 100% on the task at hand.

Deeper Creativity

Whether you’re playing an instrument, writing, dancing, learning calligraphy or painting; being mindful of your actions allows you to 100% focus on your art.

You’ll notice something new you haven’t seen before, or appreciate what you’re accomplishing right at the moment.

There are many more benefits to living in the present moment:

  1. Improving intimacy in your relationship.
  2. You’ll get better at problem-solving.
  3. Idea generation enhances.
  4. You can focus easier.
  5. Food tastes better!
  6. You’ll be more aware of the good in your life.
  7. Overall mental health improves.
  8. You’ll feel more fulfilled.

If you want to begin to live in the present it starts with some habit changes. There will be certain places and times you can focus on being more present.

How To Live In The Present – 25 Areas of Focus

If you want to get stay in the present moment, here are some straightforward examples you can use.

two women having a conversation in the present moment

1. Be Present when Interacting with People

We interact with people all day long, every day. Do you find yourself waiting for them to finish so you can speak?

This is not a great way to interact – but don’t worry, we have all been guilty of this from time to time.

If you want to stay present in your conversations with others show your full attention. To do this focus on…

  • Eye contact
  • Active listening – head nods, smiles, gestures
  • Positive body language. Don’t cross those arms – open them up and welcome the conversation
  • Truly think about what the other person is saying – put yourself in their shoes
  • Give them thoughtful answers, feedback and comments about what they are talking about

Our interactions with others can be serious, funny, nostalgic and everything in between. When being in the present moment with someone the point is to get as much out of the interaction as possible.

Don’t get sidetracked by something else. Embrace the moment, which benefits you and your relationships!

2. Be Fully Present During Your Daily Tasks

When starting some big tasks or projects you want to accomplish, being present begins with knowing what you need to do and being aware of what you’re able to complete right now.

  • Don’t make a massive to-do list that isn’t achievable
  • Start with one task and decide what you can do to finish it within a given period of time

I write about a way you can time block parts of your day that will help you achieve this.

You’ll find that being truly present when working on projects helps you complete them faster and more efficiently.

3. Focus On Your Environment

Here’s a scenario for you. You’re walking down the street and you notice a new coffee shop you haven’t seen before.

You go in, buy a coffee and ask how long they’ve been open. They say 4 years. Ha!

This actually happened to me. Why? I seem to be in a zone when I’m walking in familiar areas. I don’t always notice what’s going on around me because I’m in my head, or thinking about a conversation I’ve yet to have.

Now, when I’m going anywhere, especially when enjoying the outdoors I make a point of looking up!

Try doing the same.

  • Take in what’s new, as well as what’s the same
  • Think about why you enjoy being in this place, or why you don’t
  • Make a point of looking around in new areas (up the street, around the corner)
  • Take a different route

Truly explore your everyday surroundings. You’ll actually be amazed at what you might discover that you’ve not paid attention to before.

4. Be Present in a Tough Situation

Don’t sit on it. Do whatever you can to resolve the problem right away.

If there is a conflict in your life, don’t shy away from it hoping it will disappear, as all it will do is get you worrying about what happened.

Do what you can to make amends. If the other person doesn’t want to resolve a situation yet,  just know that you’ve addressed the issue and done what you can at this moment in time.

5. Start Journaling

Write down how you’re learning to live in the present. 

  • How does it feel? 
  • What have you learned? 
  • What do you find difficult? 

Capturing your thoughts around ways to live in the present is also living in the present!

Check out some of my journals with writing prompts to get you started

6. Practice Mindful Eating

So many of us eat way too fast. I know you’ve been there – snacking on a bag of chips thinking there is a lot more to eat. Then you realize you ate the whole bag – and you don’t remember doing it.

This is why trying mindful eating is so beneficial. It will help you slow down and enjoy what you are consuming.

The goal here is to slow down. Take a bit, chew your food thoroughly, enjoy the taste, and swallow. 

You can also take some deep breaths between bites to allow for proper digestion.

7. Take Notice When Your Mind Wanders

Notice your mind wandering, jumping from thought to thought and topic to topic? This is known as ruminating and there’s a good chance you’re feeling some stress and anxiety when this occurs. 

So the goal here is to take notice when your mind is rehashing past mistakes or worrying about future events.

When you notice this happening…

  • Stop what you’re doing and walk away – or if you’re in bed, get up
  • Next, write down what’s worrying you so you can release these thoughts and deal with them later.

8. Try The 5-4-3-2-1 Technique (5 Senses Grounding Technique)

Commonly used to reduce anxiety, the 5-4-3-2-1 method is a technique you can use to calm your mind and release negative emotions. 

This grounding technique focuses on what you are experiencing in the present moment using your 5 senses – sight, smell, hearing, taste and touch.

Here’s how it works. Focus on the following things you’re experiencing in this very moment…

  • Five things you can see
  • Four things you can touch
  • Three things you can hear
  • Two things you can smell
  • One thing you can taste

Learn more here…

9. Notice Little Moments In Your Day

By taking notice of the little moments in your day you can appreciate the simple joys in your daily life.

These little things can be the simple joy of that first cup of tea in the morning, or the sound of a child’s laugh from the distance.

Do your best to slow down to stop and take notice of these little things as they can bring a sense of happiness and gratitude to our daily lives.

10. Take A Gratitude Walk

One of my favourite mindfulness practices to be in the present moment is a gratitude walk. 

A gratitude walk focuses on seeking out things all around you to be grateful for, as you walk each step. 

There are a number of different ways to take a gratitude walk, but to start you can simply focus on your environment. 

You can use your 5 senses to do this. For example, look around and appreciate…

  • The beautiful tree-lined street
  • The sound of music coming from someone’s house
  • The smell of flowers from people’s gardens
  • The cute puppy you pet on your walk
  • The taste of the salty air or some wild blackberries you come across

11. Try Mindful Breathing

There are many simple breathing exercises you can try but to get you started I wanted to share this method…

Not only will this mindful breathing exercise help you relax, it will also help you easily be in the moment by focusing on the narrator’s soothing words.

12. Keep Track Of Time

When working on projects it’s great to keep track of time to help you stay focused on the task at hand. Otherwise, your mind might wander off and you’ll find yourself doing something completely different.

A tool I love using is toggl. It’s free and allows you to easily keep track of time spent on any project. They even have a Pomodoro tracker and it can integrate with other apps like Slack and Todoist.

13. Let Go Of The Past

Easier said than done right? Well, it might not feel possible to completely let go of the past, but once you are able to move on you’ll be able to create more space to live in the present moment.

The key to letting go of the past is to focus on the events and experiences that are harmful or traumatic to you. We of course want to cherish beautiful past memories. 

Here are a couple of things you can try:

  • Try mood tracking to notice your triggers. When you identify triggers you can then avoid or reduce them. Check out my mood-tracking journal to get started.
  • Forgive yourself. Just a reminder that none of us are perfect and focusing on past mistakes isn’t serving you in this moment.
  • Take to a professional – a therapist, social worker to help you move on.

14. Declutter

When you’re decluttering you are focusing on the task at hand. This is what living in the present moment is all about – being fully aware and present in the now.

Another way decluttering is linked to being in the moment is when you have less stuff hanging around it’s much easier for you to enjoy being present. 

Instead of looking around at things you think you should be tidying up, you can look around and appreciate what you have – so you can enjoy it. Decluttering can truly help you create simple inner peace in your day to day.

15. Call A Friend

Having a phone call with someone you enjoy talking to is an easy way to live in the moment. I recommend doing this as often as possible. 

Connecting with someone close of course helps you be present but it’s also important to support your mental health and well-being.

16. Body Scan Meditation

A body scan meditation is a mindfulness meditation exercise where you focus your attention on different parts of your body – essentially scanning your body as the name suggests. 

Doing a body scan is helpful in reducing stress and anxiety as you are wholely focused on being in the current moment.

See the video below and check out the simple steps to give it a try…

17. Do An Activity Or Hobby You Love

Focusing your full attention on doing something that brings you joy such as a hobby is a hugely beneficial way to spend your time.

So if you have a hobby you used to love doing, pick it back up. Or if you’re looking for a new hobby to try check these hobby ideas.

18. Try A Technology Detox

Social media, phone notifications and binge-watching your favourite show are the opposite of living in the present. Why? Because these activities make you pass the time – without you realizing how much time has passed.

Try a tech detox for one day to start. This means no TV, computer, phones or video games!

When you do this you’ll be thinking about new intentional ways to spend your time.

19. Write Some Positive Affirmations

Affirmation for work on notecard

Using positive statements (affirmations) can be helpful in so many areas of your life. So think about where you might need some support and motivation and write some down.

Learn more about affirmations here: What Are Affirmations & How to Write Them

20. Read Some Live In The Present Quotes

The act of reading itself is being present, so reading some inspiring live in the present quotes is even better!

Here are a few of my favourites…

“Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift. That is why it is called the present.”

– Alice Morse Earle

“Most humans are never fully present in the now, because unconsciously they believe that the next moment must be more important than this one. But then you miss your whole life, which is never not now.” – Eckhart Tolle

He said, “There are only two days in the year that nothing can be done. One is called yesterday and the other is called tomorrow, so today is the right day to love, believe, do and mostly live.”  – Dalai Lama

“Be where you are; otherwise you will miss your life.” – Buddha

Related: 65 Inspiring Quotes To Live In The Present

21. Get Inspiration From A TED Talk

There are so many amazing resources out there to help you live in the moment and to find inspiration check out this TED Talk.

22. Exercise

Daily exercise helps you be in the moment and focus on your physical and mental health.

As mentioned above in point 7, take note of when your mind is wandering or ruminating. When this occurs a great thing to do is get up and move your body.

As you move you can do whatever you can to stay present…

  • Count your steps
  • Think about the health benefits of the exercise you’re doing
  • Focus on your breathing
  • Think about what you’re grateful for in that moment

23. Listen To Music You Love

This works especially well when you know the lyrics or if you’re listening to music that you love dancing to. 

You can listen to a playlist of your fave tunes or create a playlist to listen to in the future.

Pair this with doing a chore you may not love (cleaning the kitchen for example) so you have some fun at the same time.

24. Don’t Multi-Task

It’s been scientifically proven that multi-tasking isn’t even possible as our brain is just stopping and starting over and over again – switching from task to task. 

Instead, focus on one task at a time. This will allow you to be more efficient since you’re sole focus is on completing that specific task.

25. Try Mindful-Based Stress Reduction

Dr. Jon Kabat-Zinn created a mindfulness program, Mindful-based Stress Reduction (MBSR) in 1979. This is based on the mindfulness and meditation practices of Buddhists. 

This program was originally created to help people with chronic pain alleviate stress and now it’s also used to help with depression (source)

Learn more here…

How to Live in the Present: Quick Tips

Start Small

Decide which parts of your day you’re going to be present. Perhaps, while eating breakfast, during a daily walk, or watching your kid’s baseball game.

Set an Alarm on Your Phone

This will help as a reminder to bring yourself into the present moment. Start by setting 3 alarms per day at times that work for you.

Put Your Phone Away

Going for dinner with a friend? Please don’t check your phone! Passing time waiting for someone? Try reading a book instead, or just take in the environment around you.

Be Decisive

Decide what you want to accomplish before starting an activity.

Knowing what and why you want to do something will make it easier to stick with being mindful and accomplishing your task.

How To Live In The Present: Final Thoughts

For those who are skeptical, know that living in the present doesn’t mean you are hiding from the future, that you aren’t setting goals and that you aren’t enjoying happy memories.

What it does mean is that you have goals and plans and are actually acting on them instead of dreaming about them.

You appreciate great times from the past but are also responsible for creating great moments now.

More Resources to Help You Live in the Present Moment

I’d love to know… In what ways do you focus on living in the present in your daily life?

Let me know in the comments below!

For more inspiration and to get the latest post, let’s connect on social media 

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Yolanda - Put The Kettle On

About Yolanda

Website Owner / Content Creator

I’m passionate about helping you live life to the fullest so you can choose to find happiness and purpose. Learn how to CREATE THE LIFE YOU LOVE with intentional living and discovery of the simple things life has to offer. Learn more…


  1. One thing I’m working on is enjoying the present moment and getting off social media. I’ve noticed that people sometimes try to show everyone they’re having a good time that they miss out on it.

  2. This is great timing because I was just thinking yesterday that I need to focus on not stressing about things in the future or what “might” happen. I’m trying to put myself in a better place because my anxiety has been a little out of control.

  3. I am so aware that I need to work on this. I am a multitasker and am always thinking of a million things that I want to get done NOW! Great tips and reminders of why it’s so beneficial to make the effort to do this.

    1. You are not alone! For years I think we all thought that multi-tasking was an important quality to have, but it actually takes us away from being present and getting things done effectively!

  4. I love this post! We need to be reminded of this daily. We can always improve our ability to live in each present moment. I try to increase the moments that I live in presence every day. Thanks for this post!

    1. Glad you love it Julie! It’s so important to find ways to be present every single day so I’m really happy to hear that you are already doing that.

  5. Brilliant post! I have in recent years tried to be more mindful and in the present. I think technology is my worst enemy in relation to this! Although I have installed an app that locks me out of my phone periodically (offtime, it’s great) I still spend too much time on it and on social media. The time can just fly past and before you know it you’ve missed most of the day! You’ve got me determined now, I’m going to make yet more of an effort to be present! Thanks for writing this 🙂

    1. Thanks Alison! I agree – technology sucks us away from so many things! Try the alarm trick. I find that really helpful 🙂

  6. These are great tips! It’s such a little but important thing to being calm, confident and successful. I too try to multitask too much. I need to work on being more fully present!!!

  7. I love this post! I find myself constantly striving to live in the present, but I still feel overwhelmed so I’m going to implement a few more of these strategies! (Um, so guilty of being on my phone way too much). I also love that it will help me dive into deeper creativity. I’m learning to play the piano and giving it my undivided attention is so helpful.

  8. I really appreciate these tips! My husband and I have become more intentional about putting our phones away at meal times and before bed. Sometimes he’ll keep his phone away and watch something on it when I go to bed but we make sure to keep our time together intentional. I’ve stopped pulling my phone out when I wait for appointments etc. It’s so funny people watching and noticing that 99% of the people in the waiting room are on their phones!

  9. These are awesome tips. I think I always live in the moment, but sometimes I catch myself not really listening when someone is talking to me. Usually, it is because I’m trying to blog. As much as I wish I could, I can’t listen and blog at the same time. I’m trying to better about setting blogging time and family time.

  10. Great suggestions! I just went through a series of Webinars by Teachable and the time block idea was one of the things I implemented. Now I have a big poster board in my office and know exactly what I need to do any time I walk in to work. The “Get Stuff Done” and not getting distracted by “Sparkly Squirrel Syndrome” has really helped. Now I just need to remember to focus on the present and the people in front of me when I’m not working on my blog!

  11. trying to live in the moment is such a good thing to strive for. at work it’s all about living in the moment with each client as a hairstylist, but away from behind the chair it is difficult to focus on what is infront of me away from the phone screen and right ahead of me! love these tips!!

  12. Love this post! Probably also because I’m very much into the topic—I write posts like this too haha. I used to be so mindless before but I’ve become much better after practicing meditation and mindfulness:)

    1. Hey Paula! Yeah, slowing down can be hard in our crazy lives. I love that you’re going to try the alarm trick. Let me know if it helps at all 🙂

  13. I love this post! It is so incredibly relatable. I always have such difficulty living in the present. I’m constantly thinking/worrying about the future. Definitely need to focus on what is going on at the moment!

  14. These are great suggestions! I always have problems with worrying too much about the future which prohibits me getting things done in the present.

  15. When my first child was a baby I always wanted the future to come. Once my second child came I really worked at not wishing the present away and enjoying the moment. It truly made a huge difference. Since hen I have been working on just enjoying what is.

  16. Such an important area of life that I need to continually work on improving. I really like the reminder that living in the moment leads to gratitude. Being grateful can make even the worst moments better!

  17. Life can be distracting. We tend to dwell on the past or get anxious about the future. I do it most of the time. Thank you for your uplifting words. ❤️

  18. I loved this post and thank you so much for writing it. Living in the present moment can be a bit tricky, but I always try to do so. I believe you’ll enjoy life more. This post was amazing.

    1. Thanks so much Alexis! I completely agree that you’ll be more content and enjoy life more by being present. Really happy it resonated with you 🙂

  19. My husband and I are so bad about bringing our phones out to dinner. We still interact with each other, but it isn’t the same. We are both guilty and it keeps us from being completely present.

  20. What a great post! So many great tips to keep in mind. Our dog was very ill last year and our vet actually helped remind us to be more like our dog — enjoy the time we had and live in the moment! I think we could often use a reminder!

    1. It’s funny you say that, as I was thinking the same when I was playing with my dog yesterday. They are such happy creatures who enjoy every moment they can! I really hope your pup is healthy now.

  21. Love this!! Being present and intentional about the time I spend with my kids and my husband is something I have been focused on. Your quick tips are great and have inspired me to start journaling again.

    1. Hi Ayanna. Thanks so much! Glad to hear you’re going to start journalling again. It’s such a good time to reflect 🙂

  22. This was such a great post and it really spoke to me. I have anxiety so I have such a hard time living in the “now”. My mind is always on the next thing or what COULD happen. I have really been trying to focus on living in the present and really taking in every moment without worrying about the next one! Thank you for this post!!

    1. Hi Diane! I’m so happy this connected with you. I understand as I struggle with anxiety too, which is why focusing on living in the present is so important. Let’s work on this together 🙂

    1. Thanks for the note Kayla. I like the way you mention that being present helps you stay grounded. I completely agree.

  23. This is definitely something I need to work on! I am always going i a million different directions and worry about everything! Lots to work through and start changing!

    1. Hey Kelly! I’m right there with you. It’s something I need to be mindful of every day. Over time it becomes more of a habit which will help you to stop thinking of a million things at once. For now, I say it’s good to just know that you’re going a million different directions, then you can pull your mind back to focus on one thing.

    1. Thanks so much Monidipa! That’s amazing that you do all of these things to live in the present. It definitely takes time but ends up becoming natural 🙂

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