50 Positive Mental Health Affirmations for Depression & Anxiety

Using positive affirmations as a way to support your mental health is a powerful tool you can use at any time.

For those going through depression or anxiety, affirmations are also helpful to get through some of the toughest days.

positive affirmation for depression

Below are 50 positive mental health affirmations to help reduce your depression and anxiety symptoms, but also make sure to scroll to the bottom of this article for more resources to give you support.

Are affirmations good for mental health support?

A common treatment for anxiety and depression is CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy).

CBT is a form of psychotherapy that teaches a set of skills and strategies that can help with a variety of mental health disorders.

CBT connects the dots between a person’s thoughts, feelings, behaviours and physical sensations. 

Affirmations can be used as a tool to help you reframe thoughts about yourself, your struggles and difficult situations – ultimately impacting your feelings and behaviours.

Therefore using positive affirmations as one of the tools for disorders such as anxiety and depression can be a helpful coping strategy to reduce symptoms of mental illness.

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Benefits of Affirmations for Anxiety and Depression

woman outside in nature

There are many powerful benefits of using positive affirmations when you have depression and anxiety.

Positive affirmations can:

  • Be used as a tool to change negative core beliefs about yourself, so you can think of the positive instead
  • Boost your self-esteem and confidence
  • Using positive affirmations is a daily remind that you are worth it even though the time you’re going through is hard
  • Help you find a sense of calmness in stressful or tough situations

How to use these affirmations for anxiety and depression

  • Read affirmations first thing in the morning – a great way to start the day on the right foot
  • Use affirmations as a way to celebrate small wins in your recovery
  • Write affirmations in a journal or daily planner
  • Say affirmations outloud when you need support
  • Write affirmations on a post-it note and stick to your fridge or around your desk
50 Mental Health Affirmations for Depression & Anxiety. Try just one today.#mentalhealthmatters #affirmations Click To Tweet


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Positive Affirmations for Depression

50 Mental Health Affirmations for Depression and Anxiety

The following affirmations for depression are written for those going through dark depressive symptoms who may have a difficult time handling normal daily activities such as leaving the house, interacting with people or even getting out of bed.

If you find yourself in this current situation select a couple of positive affirmations for depression that will help you right now.

1. I won’t always feel this way.

2. Feeling deeply means I care.

3. Today I will listen to what I truly need – both physically and emotionally.

affirmation for depression

4. Time will help me heal.

5. I have people who love and care for me.

6. Today I will take notice of things I am grateful for.

7. I love myself and will find ways to prioritize my happiness.

8. My depression will not last forever and does not define me.

9. Today I will do a small activity that makes me feel good.

10. I will look for support from loved ones today.

11. I can and will heal from my depression.

12. I deserve happiness and joy in my life.

13. I will wake up soon and notice the sunshine.

14. I choose to improve my depression and today I will take the first step.

positive affirmation for depression

15. The negative thoughts I have can be turned into positive thoughts.

16. People love and care for me – and see my good qualities even when I don’t.

17. I will prioritize recovering from my depression.

18. I have so much in life to be grateful for.

19. I have been through a lot and I recognize that it’s okay I feel this way.

20. I can and will be strong again.

21. Today I will shower and eat something healthy.

22. I am proud of getting through my bad days.

23. I choose to give myself love today.

I choose to give myself love today (affirmation for depression)

Related: 25 Self Love Affirmations + PDF Worksheet

24. I am a beautiful person.

25. I am enough.

26. I matter and will do everything in my power to take care of myself today.

27. My struggles make me stronger.

28. My path has taken an unexpected turn that I will embrace and seek to learn more about.

29. It is hard, but I will not give up on loving myself fully.

30. I am a survivor.

My path has taken an unexpected turn that I will embrace and seek to learn more about. #mentalhealth #positiveaffirmations Click To Tweet

Affirmations for Anxiety

Anxiety can be brought on by certain situations and can also be present for many all throughout the day.

Showing up as a sign of panic, worry, nervousness and fear, anxiety can be debilitating.

As with depression, there are a variety of tools to help reduce the symptoms of anxiety.

I hope these positive, calming affirmations will help bring you some strength and peace of mind in your healing journey.

31. I am brave. I can take on whatever comes my way today.

32. I trust myself to make good choices.

33. I have confidence to get me through_________(enter activity or situation)

34. When I feel worried, I will take a deep breath and think about________(positive situation)

35. I will rethink triggers and situations that make my anxiety worse. 

36. What I fear is not as bad as it seems.

What I fear is not as bad as it seems (affirmation for anxiety)

37. Today I will take one small step towards something I know is difficult, but is also good for me.

38. Today I will focus on the simple pleasures in life.

39. I am strong, smart and confident.

40. If anything goes wrong today, I will think about what went right or what I can learn.

41. Today, I can cope with this tough situation which will help relieve my anxiety tomorrow.

42. When fear steps closer to me today I will take a deep breath and be mindful of my surroundings.

43. I accept my strengths and my weaknesses.

44. I feel good about how far I have come.

I feel good about how far I have come (affirmation for anxiety)

45. Today I will kick anxiety in the backside!

46. Negative outside forces do not matter to me.

47. I am on a path to feeling better about myself.

48. I love who I am and what I stand for.

49. I am in control of my thoughts and actions.

50. I will beat these feelings of stress, worry and anxiety and replace them with calmness and tranquillity.

mental health affirmations for depression and anxiety

Getting Help for Depression and Anxiety

If anxiety and depression are impacting your daily life and making it hard to do normal everyday activities, please reach out to your family doctor and ask for help.

There are services such as individual or group therapy that can help you take action against depression and anxiety.

Medication is also something that could make a real difference in your daily life, so please contact your doctor to find out what’s right for you.

Note: The information provided above is from my own personal experience with anxiety and depression, alongside the CBT tools I’ve used in my own healing journey. This information does not replace advice from a mental health professional.

Resources for Anxiety & Depression

Mind Over Mood, Change How You Feel by Changing the Way You Think

Mind Over Mood book

I used this book as a big part of my group therapy for depression. It’s a toolkit social workers and therapists recommend when going through cognitive behavioural therapy. 

Mind Over Mood includes a substantial amount of worksheets, and helpful exercises for depression, and anxiety.

Today I Choose Joy: Daily Mood Tracker

Today I Choose Joy Mood Tracker Journal

Track your mood, look after your mental health and create more good days. I created this 12-week mood tracker journal to help you connect the dots between your moods and activities. 

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Fill out a brief questionnaire for online therapy and get matched with a licensed therapist. With over 30,000 licensed therapists, BetterHelp has one that fits your needs all within the comfort of your home. Get started today and enjoy 20% off your first month.

I earn a commission if you make a purchase, at no extra cost to you. Disclosure info here.

Do you use positive affirmations to support your mental health?

Share your experience in the comments below, so let us know what affirmations you love best.

More Positive Affirmations and Mental Health Resources:

Yolanda - Put The Kettle On

About Yolanda

Website Owner / Content Creator

I’m passionate about helping you live life to the fullest so you can choose to find happiness and purpose. Learn how to CREATE THE LIFE YOU LOVE with intentional living and discovery of the simple things life has to offer. Learn more…


  1. I always wanted to know the benefits of using affirmations. I even want to use them with kids. These are soo helpful! Thank you.

    1. Sharing affirmations with kids is perfect. Get them started when they’re young to pick up this habit. Thanks for the note Yara!

  2. Thanks for writing on this important topic! I work with athletes, a population that can be suspectible to mental health disorders due to the pressure they put on themselves (and pressure coming from others, too.) This will be helpful as I work with my athletes!


  3. My daughter struggles with both depression and anxiety and uses positive affirmations daily. Thank you for sharing these. Great article!

    1. Hi Victoria, Thanks for sharing. I’m really happy to hear that your daughter is already using affirmations. They can be so powerful and healing.

    1. Thanks for sharing Kim. I love that you choose a different affirmation every day to focus on. I bet it makes such a difference 🙂

    1. Hi Kathleen, I hear you about negative thoughts creeping in, that’s why using tools you can have on hand (such as affirmations) can be so helpful – to kick those thoughts to the curb!

    1. Awe, thanks so much for your kind words Krystian. I really put my heart into writing these posts, especially around mental health topics. xo

  4. I find affirmations so powerful. I try to start my day with journaling and affirmations. I find this one “Today I will take notice of things I am grateful for.” amazing. Gratitude helps so much with mental health and really makes us present. Thank you for this inspiring article 🙂

    1. Hi Mariya, Thanks so much for the feedback. You are so right – gratitude makes such a positive impact on our lives. Have a wonderful day 🙂

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