How To Ground Yourself: 6 Grounding Techniques

Looking for ways to ground yourself? Discover six easy grounding techniques you can use starting today.

From reducing stress and anxiety to practicing self love, staying grounded has so many positive effects on your emotional and mental health.

Woman sitting on the board on a sand dune

Staying grounded is a new technique I started practicing a few months ago. I wish I had learned it years ago.

A complete stranger, who went above and beyond her normal duties to help me with a paperwork issue I was having, took a few minutes to kindly counsel me to stay grounded and centered.

If I did that, and let go of the stress and worry, everything would fall into place.

I drove home, quickly researched what it meant to stay grounded and how to become centered, and began applying it immediately.

I removed the worry, accepted the outcome that would be right for me, and believed I had given my best effort.

Within a week, the paperwork issue was resolved in my favor!

Not only had I received what I needed, but I also found myself more at peace about the stressful situation. I knew that in order to create a life I loved, practicing the grounding techniques I’d learned would become a daily habit.

This may be a new idea for you, so first let’s talk about what grounding is and then we’ll dive into easy ways for you to practice staying grounded and centered.

Want to be more grounded in life? Learn these 6 simple grounding techniques that make a big difference... #grounded #positiveenergy Click To Tweet

Stay Grounded Meaning:

woman lying on the ground outside in nature

What does it mean to stay grounded?

At its core, to stay grounded and centered means you are in control of your emotions and thoughts and accept the path you’re on.

Some common expressions for what it means to stay grounded include:

  • Staying focused on the present
  • Being strong in your sense of self-worth
  • Having a sense of purpose
  • Deeply trusting yourself
  • Staying connected to nature
  • Maintaining balance
  • Creating space for mindfulness

Being grounded is a powerful tool for creating space for your mental and emotional health.

Our world is incredibly stressful and busy with technology bombarding us with 24/7 news, notifications, and updates.

The constant flow of information and never-ending task lists can quickly skyrocket your anxiety levels, which can throw off your whole day or even week.

This doesn’t mean that people who stay grounded never get upset or worried, it means they are less likely to be completely thrown off by upsetting events.

They don’t get sidetracked easily. And if they do, they quickly realign themselves to stay balanced.

A more literal meaning for being grounded includes getting your feet on natural ground, whether it’s grass or dirt.

Feeling the sensations across the bottoms of your feet helps you reconnect to nature and root yourself in something incredibly stable.

That connection helps relax the body, which in turn relaxes the mind.

For those of us who live in our own heads where it’s never quiet, taking moments to ground ourselves physically and emotionally feels wonderfully lifting.

Next, let’s dive into tips for how to stay grounded as you create the life you love.

How To Stay Grounded and Centered: 6 Techniques

How to stay grounded and centered in life - 6 techniques to try

1. Stay Grounded with Meditation

Meditation is a grounding technique that creates amazing opportunities for staying grounded. Why? It forces you to stop, breathe, focus, and reset.

As a Gemini, sitting still and focusing is not easy!

It’s taken many meditation sessions to consistently stay still and concentrate as I meditate, but the benefits have been worth it.

When I start my morning with a quick mediation session, it puts me in the right mindset for following my intentions for the day.

Even if I get blown way off my plan with unexpected issues coming up, I can still stay grounded because I let myself be open to what comes thanks to the morning meditation.

If meditation is new to you, start small with an easy 10-minute morning meditation. No need to jump into an hour at first!

It’s ok if you need to tap your foot a bit or move your leg before that cramp gets worse.

Meditation doesn’t have to be perfect. It’s about the connection to the intention.

The important thing is to try. Taking those moments to ponder on your intentions and feelings will be an effective way to start your grounding routine.

Related: 15 Ways to Be Intentional in Life

2. Disconnect from Social Media and the News

Right now, as we’re stuck at home during the lockdown, we’re consuming a lot of information from our phones, computers, and TVs.

Most of the information is about virus news, the struggling economy, or the pressure of your friends posting successful homeschooling tips while you’re barely holding it together.

It’s like you’re getting punched in the face with negativity and anxiety.

Not a fun way to live your life! Time to cut the cord.

When learning how to stay grounded, reducing your exposure to stressful information should be a top priority.

This is especially true if the first thing you do when you wake up is grab your phone to check your notifications and news updates.

Staying grounded becomes much more difficult when your first thoughts of the day are about stressful topics.

Be kind to your mind.

Give it a break in the morning and limit the amount of time you spend on social media and the news throughout the day. Set time limits if you have to.

Your anxiety levels will thank you.

3. Practice Deep Breathing

woman deep breathing

We’ve all seen at least one movie where a character having a panic attack is told to take deep breaths.

There’s a reason for this.

Your body is wired to reduce adrenaline and increase relaxation when you breathe deeply and slowly.

Breathing is about as basic as it gets. Yet its ability to powerfully change our emotional state is amazing.

After learning how to stay grounded, deep breathing was a great way for me to stay centered.

One of my weaknesses is I hate slow drivers, especially the ones who barely go the speed limit, gah!

I’ve learned to deal with them better by taking several deep breaths and reminding myself it’s just temporary.

It absolutely grounds me and reduces my upset emotions about the situation, silly as it may be.

Good Breathing Techniques:

  • Good deep breathing should come from your diaphragm or torso.
  • Be slow and controlled.
  • Inhale positivity and exhale negativity. (Just don’t close your eyes if you’re driving)!

The grounding technique of deep breathing is a fantastic way to stay grounded during times of stress to help you eliminate negative emotions.

4. Connect with Nature to Literally Ground Yourself

woman walking down path in forest

I touched on this idea briefly, but it’s worth a deeper dive because nature is amazing.

Mother nature’s beauty, variety, intensity, and constancy can be exhilarating. Nature is one of the best stress-relievers available.

Many studies have shown that even having a view of nature from your office window can increase your happiness.

Nature grounding technique to try:

One of the best grounding techniques you can do is get your feet into the dirt, grass, or sand. Walk or run around, then stand perfectly still and just breathe.

  • Root your feet into the ground.
  • Grip the grass with your toes.
  • Allow mother nature to reinvigorate your senses and enliven your mind.
  • Shake your hands and release your negative energy and thoughts.

Getting your roots connected with nature will invigorate and stimulate your mind and calm your soul.

You’ll feel balance return to your life, and feel more ready to conquer whatever comes next.

Focusing on the feelings of connecting with nature will help your mind stay in the present.

When our worries make us fear the future or dwell on the past, we can’t stay grounded in the present.

Creating our best life cannot happen when we’re stuck with those worries. Allow nature to help return you to the present and stay there through its uplifting and invigorating balancing effect.

Be like a tree. Stay grounded. Connect with your roots. Turn over a new leaf. Bend before you break. Enjoy your natural, unique beauty. Keep growing.”
– Joanne Raptis

5. Forget Yourself and Serve Others

This might seem like the odd one out of this list, but it’s actually a secret weapon for learning how to stay grounded.

When we get too self-absorbed by obsessing about our looks, careers, status, or problems, we become less open and engaging.

We get sucked into an imaginary floating bubble that makes it hard for us to be a stable influence to those around us.

However, when we align our focus to helping people around us, it pops that bubble and brings us back to earth.

For instance, when reaching out to someone in need, imagine roots from your feet growing to that person and connecting you. When they pay it forward, the roots continue to spread.

Not only is that metaphor a grounding image, but the practice of serving others will literally help you feel more grounded and centered.


You’ve shown yourself that you need to stay connected to what’s most important – being the wonderful human being that you are and sharing that with others.

Remember how fulfilling and happy it feels when you sincerely help people around you? That’s true grounding at its best.

6. Ground Yourself with Positive Affirmations

affirmations written in a notebook

If you aren’t doing some form of positive affirmations for yourself already, now is a great time to get started!

When the noise of the world and your worries get too loud in your head, utilize a bit of deep breathing with a few positive affirmations to get yourself grounded quickly.

How do positive affirmations act as grounding techniques? 

Well, remember how grounding will help you stay in the present?

If your mind is worrying about all the what-ifs in your life, then you’re consumed by fears of the future.

Starting positive affirmations will bring you back to the present with a healthier mindset because they are stated in the present.

Try repeating these positive affirmations after a few slow, deep breaths:

  • I focus on all things that are good for me.
  • I accept where I am at, and trust that the path I am on will be for my best good.
  • I know I can choose a new direction because I am open to what is best for me.
  • I let go of all that does not serve me and is harmful to me.
  • My energy is grounded, centered and focused in the now and I am safe here.
  • I now release all fears, worries, and anxieties and trust that all is well.
  • I am blessed. I am loved. I am safe.

Whew. I feel super grounded after saying those statements, and I’m sure you do too!

Related Post: 25 Positive Self Love Affirmations + Free Printables

How To Stay Grounded: Conclusion

woman praying meditating

Using these grounding techniques to stay grounded is such a powerful tool for creating the life you love.

The benefits of staying grounded help you reduce anxiety.

It, therefore, allows you to feel you have more control (while simultaneously letting go) and dramatically boosts your mood.

I hope you find peace and stability as you incorporate these easy ways to stay grounded in your self-care routine!

Which of these Grounding ideas are you excited to try first?

Share in the comments below!

Brie Greenhalgh - Guest writer for Put The Kettle OnAbout Brie:

Brie is a lifestyle blogger sharing tips for women seeking happier lives through self-care, personal growth, and healthy relationships. She actively seeks silver linings in life’s challenges and loves to bring positive perspectives to her friends and family. When not working on her blog, she’s editing someone’s soon-to-be-published book (her other fun business). Brie always has a bag of gummy candy nearby when she writes and is happiest when soaking up some sunny rays. Make sure to follow Brie on Pinterest to get more of her content.


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Yolanda xo


Yolanda - Put The Kettle On

About Yolanda

Website Owner / Content Creator

I’m passionate about helping you live life to the fullest so you can choose to find happiness and purpose. Learn how to CREATE THE LIFE YOU LOVE with intentional living and discovery of the simple things life has to offer. Learn more…


  1. I love all the tips, I like going out for a run to breath fresh air also included breathing exercises in my routine.

    1. Hi Jeannie! Thanks 🙂 Sounds like you’re getting some good quality time to look after yourself. So important xo

    One day before the next lockdown I am really looking forward to being able to get out into nature again and stay grounded.
    In the meantime, I’ll try to keep on with meditation.
    thanks a lot for this beautiful article.
    Best, Ketty

    1. Hi Ketty – thanks so much for the note 🙂 During this pandemic, nature is everything right now. So much to reflect on and be grateful for when we have to get back to basics. That’s wonderful that you practice meditation. Take care!

    1. Especially right now when there is just so much going on in the world! One crazy benefit of this pandemic is that we can have the opportunity to focus on our families and relationships a little more, which is definitely another way to stay grounded. Keep up the great work!

  3. I really like all of these ideas. I especially like disconnecting from social media and connecting with nature. Those both seem to help the most.

  4. This is a very comprehensive post and I love it! Meditation has changed my life for the better and I’ve also found that staying off of social media more has made a world of difference. Great post!

  5. Staying grounded is essential for our mental health and yet not enough of us do it. I find it difficult sometimes to stay grounded but something that does help is disconnecting from work, social media and blogging and spending time with loved ones. I definitely need to practice my deep breathing techniques as well.

    1. Yes, I’m so guilty of not taking enough time to ground myself for my mental health before this year. It’s not always easy, and it does take practice, but it’s so worth it! Keep up the great work!

  6. I absolutely love every single one of these tips! Disconnecting with my electronics and reconnecting with nature always make me feel balanced and grounded. I am looking forward to incorporating affirmations into my exercises and seeing the benefits of the affirmations in my life. Thank you so much for sharing.

  7. These are all great tips. I feel people are quick to dismiss a lot of these, but they do work if you give it a chance! These are all something I preach as well for reducing anxiety, so I definitely believe in these!

  8. Disconnecting from social media, definitely. But social media is also the fastest way for me to read news, especially about the pandemic. Baby steps, I guess 🙂

    1. Yes, positive affirmations can do so much to help reduce the overwhelm of our daily lives. Glad you like the grounding techniques!

  9. YES! I loved this post. I also find positive affirmations make a huge difference in my day. It isn’t always easy to stay grounded. Thanks for the awesome advice.

  10. These are all such great tips. As a gemini, I can totally relate as I often feel flighty or like I want to do everything and be everywhere simultaneously.

    1. Thanks Nathalia! Yes, we Gemini’s probably have a bit harder time of trying to stay still, don’t we? LOL. But it’s totally possible to stay grounded and centered with a little consistent effort. Staying mindful and in balance will help us channel our energies better towards the right things to do.

  11. Excellent post everyone should read! Staying grounded is so beneficial for overall health & wellness. We practice meditation regularly and always get grounded as much as possible when outdoors. Our son practices & teaches breath work, with amazing results. Have Pinned this for later and shared on other platforms. 🙂

    1. Thanks for the kind words and for sharing the post. So glad you already understand and practice awesome methods for staying grounded! I appreciate how much it’s helped me keep more focused and balanced in my own life. Keep up the great work!

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