57 Fun & Engaging Self-Care Activities for Groups

An important part of self-care is being social, so engaging in self-care activities for groups can really be a positive way to look after yourself. 

group picnic

These self-care activities for groups are designed to do with anyone – team members at work, friends, family, your partner, and so many others.

According to Indeed, there are also huge benefits of group wellness programs in the workplace – such as reducing stress levels, improving employee morale, and improving teamwork.

Whether you’re looking for self-care activities at work or in any group, the teamwork involved in group self-care is a great way to strengthen and nurture relationships.

Below you’ll find self-care activities for groups that support:

  • Social self-care
  • Physical health
  • Intellectual self-care
  • Emotional and mental health
  • Spiritual self-care

One of the best ways to find true balance and happiness is to regularly add in each of the 5 types of self-care (above) – whether as a group or individually. 

Let’s get into this big list of self-care activities…

57 Self-Care Activities For Groups To Try

57 Self-Care Activities For Groups (picnic)

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Social Self-Care Activities for Groups

Technically everything on this list is social since you’re doing it in a group! We know that spending time with loved ones and people that make us feel great is exceptionally good for our wellness. 

Here are some fun social interactions you can do in a large or small group:

1. Share your favorite self-care activity, inspiring the whole group and also give you some new ideas to try in the future

2. Go on a picnic with your friend or family

3. Plan a monthly brunch (or dinner) – having a regular activity on the calendar you can look forward to is a great form of self-care.

4. Have a board game night – board games are a fun way to unwind and 

5. Have a friends & family potluck

6. Have a home spa day – Get the face masks ready, try some meditation, and do your nails.

7. Go to a comedy club – laughter is the best medicine for everything

8. Set up a group cooking club – similar to a book club except it’s all about the food. You can have fun with it by making recipes from books, cooking different cuisines, or cooking together.

9. Meal prep together – then share the food amongst yourselves, making your week a whole lot easier too

10. Play self-care BINGO – a great way to have a challenge with friends

11. Have a girls’ weekend 

Physical Self-Care Activities For Groups

community garden

Physical self-care is about looking after your body to stay healthy – whether it’s having a healthy diet, getting proper sleep, exercising, or going for regular doctor’s checkups.

12. Hiking

13. Yoga Class

14. Find a walking buddy or group

15. Kitchen Dance Party

16. Get a manicure/pedicure with friends – or go to a spa

17. Workout together

18. Take a group bike ride – perfect for friends or family

19. Go bowling

20. Do tai chi in the park

21. Join a sports team – baseball, volleyball, soccer, hockey

22. Start a community garden or join an existing one

23. Go to dance classes

24. Join a dog walking group – or go to the dog park regularly to chat with other fur baby parents.

Related: 125 Self Care Saturday Ideas To Unwind This Weekend

Intellectual Self-Care Activities for Groups

book club

Intellectual self-care focuses on stimulating your mind, learning new things, and working towards your goals.

These self-care activities also provide a true sense of accomplishment:

25. Go to an art gallery or museum

26. Start a book club – the act of being in a book club is already self-care but why not add in some self-care and self-love books that you can all discuss?

  • Sharing great books with others and connecting over storylines is healthy for your intellectual and emotional well-being.

26. Plan a social media detox with friends, a family member or colleagues – this way you can be accountable to each other

27. Take a cooking class

28. Go on a winery tour – learn about the wine-making process and enjoy the beautiful scenery too

29. Take an online course that has a group component – this way you can connect with others.

30. Learn a new skill with a friend or two

31. Start a new hobby with a friend – have a friend with similar interests to you? Try a new hobby and learn together

32. Take a creative class – pottery, watercolor, photography, etc

33. Create a self-care plan within a small group and share it with each other. Also, check in weekly to stay accountable.

34. Do a book reading challenge with friends

Emotional Self-Care Activities for Groups

woman meditating

Emotional self-care helps you get in touch with your feelings in a positive way. This means tapping into your wide range of emotions and supporting your emotional health.

35. Understand your (and others) self-love language

36. Express your gratitude for each other

37. Write affirmations and share them – or use these cute printable affirmation cards

38. Have a karaoke night – having a laugh is a great way to support your emotions

39. Have a fun night out – dinner, dancing, whatever you and your friends love to do together

40. Set mental health goals and share them in a group setting

41. Track your mood and check in with others every week on what you learned about yourself.

42. Join a support group – I did this when going through depression, but there are other groups you can also join. The best part is there is loads of support out there for anyone in all situations. A great place to start is searching on Facebook.

43. Create a playlist of your favorite songs and share it with a few friends. Also, get them to create playlists and share them with each person participating.

44. Attend a concert

45. Do a group self-love challenge

Spiritual Self-Care Activities for Groups

yoga class

The act of spiritually looking after yourself can be anything from prayer, meditation, or anything that makes your heart and soul flourish. 

46. Take a guided meditation class – either online or in-person

47. Try some group mindfulness 

48. Write a self-love letter for your friend

49. Go on a retreat

50. Spend time in nature – whether on a nature walk enjoying the fresh air, sitting at the beach looking at a great view, or being mindful in the present moment watching the world go by.

51. Do some deep breathing exercises

52. Practice small acts of kindness to others – you can even mark this as a dedicated day or week in an office environment to get everyone involved.

53. Join (or create) a spiritual reading group – the focus could be on religious texts or other inspirational books… The Art of Happiness (Dalai Lama), The Power of Now (Eckhart Tolle), The Four Agreements (Don Miguel Ruiz)

54. Attend religious services regularly

55. Volunteer for a cause that you support

56. Join a church group – join a local small group that meets regularly with a focus on spiritually growing together.

57. Attend a poetry reading

Tips For Practicing Self-Care in a Group Setting

If you have a hard time dedicating time for regular self-care, especially amongst others, here are some helpful tips.

Incorporate one group activity into your weekly or daily routine 

This can be as simple as taking that walk with a friend, attending an online class or going to the gym. 

Make a list of your favorite activities

Then see if any of these things can be done in a group setting.

Go Virtual

In today’s modern world, it can seem hard to get together in real life, so you can absolutely do any self-care activity virtually.

The group part of this is about connecting with others and experiencing the same thing together. So, think about doing this virtual if you can’t get together in person.

Be the Planner

Don’t wait for someone else to set up a group self-care activity – you can do it! It could be as easy as organizing a group fitness class at work or a book club with your neighbors.

Have You Tried Any Fun Self-Care Activities in a Group?

If yes, share what you did in the comments below! We’re always looking for more ideas to add to this list of self-care ideas.

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Yolanda - Put The Kettle On

About Yolanda

Website Owner / Content Creator

I’m passionate about helping you live life to the fullest so you can choose to find happiness and purpose. Learn how to CREATE THE LIFE YOU LOVE with intentional living and discovery of the simple things life has to offer. Learn more…

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