125 Beautiful Things To Love About Yourself (Self-Love Activity)

Have you ever thought about all the amazing things to love about yourself? Well, now is the chance to take note.

You have special qualities that make you, YOU, but how often do you take time to appreciate your uniqueness?

happy women who loves herself

After all, taking an inventory of what you like about yourself is a great way to practice self-love and give yourself a boost of confidence at the same time.

A Word on Self-Love

Let’s begin with understanding what self-love is. As described in this article from PsychCentral…

“Self-love means that you accept yourself fully, treat yourself with kindness and respect, and nurture your growth and wellbeing.”

If you have a hard time practicing self-love, the good thing is this exercise can be extremely helpful.

You may have a hard time identifying things to love about yourself, or perhaps you’ve never even thought about what you like.

So, you may feel emotional, if you can’t think of anything. 

This is why it was important for me to create this list – because you deserve to focus on loving yourself and that begins with being aware of all your great qualities, and appreciating them.

What are 5 Things You Love About Your Life?#selflove #loveyourself Share on X

Before you start reading this list of great things to love about yourself…

woman writing in journal
  • Make sure to grab a pen and your journal or notebook to write your own list.
  • As you’re reading through, you’ll find some suggestions that will remind you of things to love about yourself. Feel free to use these in your own list to get you started
  • At the end of this article make sure to share 5 things you love about your life, in the comments section – so you can inspire others to also share 🙂

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125 Beautiful Things To Love About Yourself

the best list of things to love about yourself

1. Your unique perspective on the world

2. Your quirks

3. You give great advice

4. Your intuition is there to back you up and point you in the right direction

5. Skills you have learned and skills you have yet to learn

6. You’re deeply passionate, going all-in on things you love and care about

7. Your sense of adventure

8. Your adaptability to change

9. Your sensitivity which helps you be empathetic toward others

10. Your beliefs

11. Your love of the little things in life

12. Scars that tell your story of strength

13. Your excitement to try new things

14. Your big picture thinking

15. Your great sense of humor

16. You’re a kid at heart

17. You always focus on being a good listener

18. You think positive even when you’ve had a hard time

19. You maintain a positive body image

20. You have creative, good ideas

21. You seek new experiences

woman outside with Toronto skyline in the distance

22. You have beautiful eyes that show your caring nature

23. You are smart

24. Your can-do attitude

25. You are goal-oriented

26. Your laugh lines

27. Your ability to speed clean

28. You are a glass half full person who sees opportunity in everything

29. You have stellar cooking skills

30. The shape of your body

31. Your confidence

Try using these empowering words to exude even more confidence!

32. Your parenting style

33. Your loyalty

34. Your determination

35. Your dependable nature

36. Your wit and charm

37. Your fabulous sense of style

38. You see the good in all people

39. Your passion for helping others

40. You treat people with respect and kindness

41. You stand up for yourself and for what’s right

42. You’re laid back and don’t sweat the small stuff

43. Your ability to fall asleep anywhere

44. You’re great at your job

45. You prioritize yourself

46. You’re great at setting boundaries

47. You’re kind to the environment

48. You tell hilarious jokes

49. You’re a great writer

50. You wear your heart on your sleeve

Want to Try Self Love Journaling?

Pick up my self-love journal on Amazon and get started with 30-days of unique writing prompts, reflection ideas, colouring pages, positive affirmations, self-care ideas and more!

51. You’re forgiving

52. You love nature

53. You have epic dance moves

54. You’re a fast learner

55. Your spirituality

56. The travels you’ve taken over the years

57. You learn from failing

58. You’re amazing at fixing things

59. You prioritize your family

60. You are a survivor

61. You’re committed to your health and wellbeing

62. You have great habits

63. You enjoy alone time

64. You respect opposing opinions

65. You’re musical

66. You’re affectionate

67. You never quit

68. You follow your heart

woman holding candle

69. You have excellent focus

70. You’re a great organizer

71. You make others feel welcome

72. You stand up for others

73. You enjoy stepping out of your comfort zone

74. You are resilient

75. You are honest

76. You have an active, wild imagination

77. You are a talented artist

78. You practice gratitude 

79. You take risks

80. You have an infectious laugh

81. You’re an avid reader

82. You love meeting new people

83. You focus on your strengths instead of your weaknesses

84. You don’t hold grudges

85. You have no regrets as you learn from your mistakes

86. You follow your dreams

87. You have many interests

Related: The Ultimate List of Hobbies and Interests

88. You are a lot of fun to be around

89. You’re beautiful, inside and out

90. You love nostalgia

91. You have good posture

92. You live an intentional life

93. You enjoy giving to others

94. You’re a good friend

3 good friends

95. You’re brave

96. You have a sexy voice

97. You’re a supportive, present parent

98. You make people smile

99. You kick negative self-talk in the backside by thinking about the positives in situations

100. You’re a great kisser

101. You value your self-worth

102. You’re funny and make people laugh

103. You’re a passionate lover

104. You’re generous with your time

105. You’re passionate about making the world a better place

106. You’re accountable

107. You make people around you feel good

108. You prioritize your happiness

109. You take care of your mental health

110. You’re hardworking

Things I Love About Myself

heart shape with hands

I also wanted to share a few things I love about myself so I could also try this self-love activity.

Creating a list of things can actually be hard, but here it goes…

  1. I love learning new things as it helps me expand my mind and gain new perspectives
  2. I love the colour of my eyes as they sometimes look green and sometimes blue
  3. I love being tall
  4. I have a strong determination to keep going, even when it’s challenging
  5. I’m pretty tech-savvy and love solving problems
  6. I’m compassionate about animal welfare
  7. I’m goofy and enjoy being that way
  8. I’m great at saving money and reaching financial goals
  9. I love to dance and I’m pretty good at it
  10. I wear my heart on my sleeve and care deeply
  11. I have thick, healthy hair
  12. I have a good eye for design
  13. I love that I’ve lived my life differently than ‘the norm’
  14. I love that I’m empathetic, even though it can be emotionally consuming at times
  15. I stand up for myself

Key Takeaway

I love me - written on paper

The key thing I want you to take away from reading this list (and doing this self-love activity) is being fully aware of how unique, special, and amazing you are.

We can all have bad days where it’s difficult to think of the positives in life.

So, no matter what your situation, there are things that make you beautiful, smart, and deserving of love – and this love starts with you.

You have a meaningful life that is worth celebrating.

If you want to dive deeper into practicing self-love, here are some helpful resources:

125 Beautiful Things To Love About Yourself – What are yours? #selflove Share on X

What Do You Love About Yourself? List 5 things!

Don’t be shy, I’d love to learn a little more about you so share things you feel great about. Share the comments below 🙂

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Yolanda - Put The Kettle On

About Yolanda

Website Owner / Content Creator

I’m passionate about helping you live life to the fullest so you can choose to find happiness and purpose. Learn how to CREATE THE LIFE YOU LOVE with intentional living and discovery of the simple things life has to offer. Learn more…

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