Self Care Checklist During the Holidays + Free Printable

Need better self-care this holiday season?

I’m popping in here to share a few simple facts.

  1. We all know how important self-care is.
  2. We also know that the holiday season is CRAZY. We are running around and most likely aren’t being as mindful about our day as we would like to be.

I’m here to remind you to slow down.

woman relaxing at Christmas

It’s important to find time for self-care all year round but during the holiday stress can build up more than normal.

We are spending more money than usual, having more social events and finishing up a lot of work in our jobs before the end of the year.

I know with all the hustle and bustle we also want to truly enjoy the season but sometimes feel like it’s just not possible.

So today I am sharing a holiday gift to you, which is a reminder to be kind to yourself during the holidays (+ a printable self-care checklist you can grab further down in the post).


*Also, find time to practice self care every day of the week with these gorgeous printable self care worksheets (includes 75 new ideas)!

Your Self-Care Checklist to Beat Holiday Stress:

10 Self Care Checklist Ideas for the Holidays

1. Treat Yourself

I’m here to tell you that it is okay to treat yourself this time of year.

You’ve probably been focused on everyone around you and there’s a good chance you haven’t been looking after yourself properly. 

So, don’t feel guilty about giving yourself a treat. You are worth it.

This treat might be taking yourself on a date, buying a small (or large!) gift for you or trying some new self care activities this month. You could even buy your own stocking stuffers 🙂

Now, go enjoy!

2. Have Some Quality Alone Time

What do you normally do for self-care?

Read? Have a bath? Go for a walk?

Practising self-care shouldn’t stop this time of year. You may be wondering how on earth to find the time and this post – No Time for Self Care will give you a few tips to try. I hope you find them helpful 🙂

Don't forget to take care of yourself this time of year. Here are 10 self-care tips to beat holiday stress + a free self-care checklist printable. #selflove #selfcare #holidayseason #holidaystress Click To Tweet

3. Don’t Get Caught up in Family Drama

Do you ever feel yourself being pulled into someone else’s drama and it’s taking away from your own enjoyment?

I’m not talking about family or friends who are truly in need, but I am talking about those people in your life that choose drama.

Don’t let them suck you into drama that has nothing to do with you. It will just bring you down.

An alternative approach – if someone is talking negatively to you and can’t stop – do your best to listen, but switch the conversation to something more positive. Be honest, loving and hopefully that will do the trick.

4. Slow Down

This may seem obvious, but if you are feeling overwhelmed and stressed during the holidays, take a step back.

Literally, stop – even if it’s for 5 minutes to collect yourself.

Remind yourself of what’s important. If you don’t have the perfect ‘holiday-inspired dining table’ that is OKAY!

As much as I love Pinterest, my turkey dinner isn’t going to look the same as the blogger’s recipe who took 87 photos to get the perfect shot!

No one cares if things are perfect and neither should you.

What does matter is that you and your loved ones enjoy themselves, so take a step back, slow down and enjoy each moment of the season.

Perfection this time of year is not important. So, take a step back, slow down and enjoy each moment of the season. #selfcare #holidayseason #selflove #Christmastime Click To Tweet
Quote: Self Care means giving yourself permission to pause. - Cecilia Tran

5. Walk it Off

You can do this in two ways.

  • Get outside and walk when you feel stress coming on, or
  • Simply walk to just enjoy the fresh air.

During the holiday season many of us stay cooped up inside, but getting some exercise makes that turkey dinner taste twice as good.

It also makes you feel less guilty about the extra sweets you’ve been treating yourself to!

6. Sleep Well and Take Naps

I don’t think anyone needs encouragement on this one but you may be wondering how you will find the time.

Here’s a tip: Think about the time you might be wasting in your day scrolling on your phone.

Add this up and use this time as a nap. If you have small children and this doesn’t seem possible to go to bed early and get some extra sleep in before the routine starts back in the new year.

7. Don’t Spend too much Money

Overspending during the holidays is one of the top ways to massively increase your stress.

Remind yourself to only spend what you can afford and stick to it.

Also, know that your loved ones do not want you to go into debt or financial stress, so let them know you are having a frugal Christmas, or try some handmade gifts this year.

Whatever your budget is for gifts, activities and parties always know that it can be accomplished with a good plan.

8. Spend Quality Time with Friends

Make some time in your calendar for some fun with your friends.

You may be busy all year long but if you have certain people in your life you love to see, make the time. Do something special with them.

Also, know that you don’t have to book time before the end of December. If you want to plan a get together in the new year that’s okay too.

Whenever it is – book it now!

Related: 5 Easy Ways to Find Time in Your Busy Schedule

9. Create New Traditions with your Loved Ones

I’m sure there are things you would love to do every year but you don’t seem to have the time. If this is you, here’s something I’d like you to try.

Write down 3 new traditions you would like to do this year. It could be with your spouse, kids, parents, friends – whoever you love 🙂

Some ideas:

  • Have a board game evening
  • Make holiday crafts
  • Arrange a Secret Santa
  • Make cookies and share them with colleagues or neighbours
  • Help out at a food bank
  • Give holiday cards to those most in need – even if you don’t know them
  • Have an official trim the tree night

The list could go on and on!

Related: 50 Christmas Bucket List Ideas + Free Printable

10. Do Something You Love

What is it about the holiday season that you love most – just for you?

For me, I love to play Christmas carols and wrap presents when no one is home, or late at night when everyone is asleep.

It gives me a chance to remember fun times as a kind and just live in the moment.

What do you love to do? Whatever it is, find the time and do it! Remember that the simple joys in life are what give us happiness and balance.

Want a copy of this Holiday Self Care Checklist for yourself?

Download your self care checklist. Then you can put it on your desk, or your fridge or simply keep it on your phone to reference.

10 Self care tips to be kind to yourself during the holidays. Beat holiday stress with this self care routine. Print a free holiday self care checklist now!

I’d love to hear from you all – tell me how you are practicing self-care this holiday season. Is there anything you have a hard time with over the holidays?

Leave a comment below.

For more inspiration and to get the latest post, let’s connect on social media 🙂

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More Resources To Get You Through The Holidays

Yolanda - Put The Kettle On

About Yolanda

Website Owner / Content Creator

I’m passionate about helping you live life to the fullest so you can choose to find happiness and purpose. Learn how to CREATE THE LIFE YOU LOVE with intentional living and discovery of the simple things life has to offer. Learn more…


  1. I love all of these ideas! I have been trying to get some sort of movement in everyday because it makes me feel so much better! I also love the idea of changing the subject when people are trying to be dramatic.

  2. I especially like #3 – the family drama part! It can be difficult to stay out fo the drama, but so important for a happy holiday and happy family!

  3. I love this checklist! We all get so busy around the holidays and are under so much pressure to make everyone happy, we often forget to take care of ourselves. These are great ideas on how to better care for ourselves!

  4. Absolutely loving this post! All these ideas are great! Especially the taking time alone and walking it off make so much sense! Thank you!

  5. I love this. It’s such a great reminder for me to take care of me too. You cant pour from an empty cup. So much of the time, I feel so empty because i just do do do and go go go. I never slow down, so I end up worn out and empty.

  6. It’s so easy for busy moms to “forget” to take care of themselves! I’m still trying to finish my household To-Do List from Monday!! So, you know it would be easy for me to neglect self-care. I’m going to try to follow through on some of your suggestions!

  7. I love the idea behind this checklist 🙂 Self care is so important at this time of year – it is so easy to get caught up in the crazy busy times and forget about yourself. Thank you for the printable!

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