60 Fun Summer Goals To Set and Accomplish in 2024

Looking to create some new summer goals this year? Let us help you!

Today, we’re talking all things goals – specifically goals you can focus on this summer season.

reading in hammock

We’re highlighting some of the best ways you can get more quality time in the summer by setting goals.

This can include short-term goals and goals you can focus on over the long run.

The result will be creating positive change so you can appreciate the summer break with fun summer plans.

Types of goals you can set this summer:

  • Personal growth
  • Family
  • Professional goals
  • Fitness goals

Goal setting isn’t only for new year’s resolutions, in fact when a new season approaches this is also the perfect time to set goals.

So, let’s think about some summer goals you can set to make the most of the warmer weather.

How To Set Summer Goals

Before we get into our summer goals list, let’s quickly talk about the best way to set summer goals. 

The key to goal setting is to ensure you are not only setting the right goals for you at this specific time.

It’s also important to know when you’ve reached a goal so you can give yourself a little ‘woo-hoo’ and pat on the back!

To achieve these summer goals I recommend you use the SMART goals method. 

SMART stands for:

  • S: Specific – Be as specific as possible on your goal. What actions will you take?
  • M: Measurable – How will you know you’ve succeeded? 
  • A: Achievable – Make sure it’s not a big stretch to achieve. You want your goal to be attainable.
  • R: Relevant – Does this goal align with your overall goals and values?
  • T: Time-bound – How long will it take for you to achieve this goal? Set a target date.

Use can use the SMART goals method for short-term and long-term goals equally. 

To help you out download my SMART Goals Template and Worksheet – which includes examples you can follow. This will help you write goals and achieve them!

60 Fun Summer Goals To Set and Accomplish in 2024

The Ultimate List of Summer Goals: 60 Ideas To try

The older you get the summer months seem to go by faster and faster so let’s plan for an epic summer this year, shall we?!

Personal Summer Goals

woman with seedlings

These summer goals will help you focus on personal growth and intentional living – all designed to create balance this summer.

  1. Create a summer bucket list: Summer is about fun and making memories and a great way to do this is to create a bucket list
  1. Re-read your favorite book: There’s something that feels go so good about navigating through a book you love and the best part is you’ll discover something new each time you read it.
  1. Change up your daily routine: Wake up earlier and walk or take your dog to the park first thing instead of the usual walk in the neighbourhood.
  1. Learn a new skill: Photography, gardening, paddle boarding – whatever has been on your mind

👉 Checkout Skillshare with this 1 month free trial. There are so many amazing courses to try from marketing, to creative writing, to photography, productivity, entrepreneurship and so much more.

  1. Go to an outdoor concert, such a fun summer activity
  1. Set some professional goals to improve your career path
  1. Take a summer vacation: This can be a couple of days away or a staycation getting some much-needed R&R
  1. Have a social media detox, allowing you more time to appreciate the summer season and have fun
  1. Create a couple’s bucket list for summer: a time for true bonding and creating memories
  1. Eat outside 3+ times a week: Especially if you live in a cold winter climate where you’re stuck inside for months
  1. Plant a vegetable garden, and enjoy the produce all summer long
  1. Declutter your closet, so you can create space for summer clothes that make you feel great
  1. Explore a new part of your city/area every week: Summer is all about adventure and exploration is a huge part of this!
  1. Be more social with your friends: Get together once a week or every other week
  1. Practice living in the present: There are so many simple pleasures in summer, so discover how to embrace them fully.
  1. Start a side hustle, such as starting a blog
  1. Make a plan for daily self-care: Find ideas in this summer self-care ideas post
  1. Write every day. You can journal, write a book, write poetry
  1. Read 5 different genres of books: For example, romance, fantasy, historical fiction, autobiographical, mystery, thriller, etc. You may discover a new love!
  1. Start every morning journaling. Here are some journal prompts to get you started.

Related: 40 Examples of Personal Goals To Set For a Happy Life

Family Goals For Summer

family campfire

Once the last day of school comes your kids will want to know what the big plans are, and no school work means filling family time with other activities that are both meaningful and fun. 

Here are some fun ideas everything will enjoy.

  1. Take a road trip to a new place or an old favorite
  1. Try new recipes and get your kids involved
  1. Go to a movie in the park or any local outdoor spot
  1. See an outdoor play. Check out your local listings for different options. My local park has Shakespeare every year.
  1. Have a family picnic. In fact, have lots! It’s so easy to do this by just visiting a park, and pulling out a blanket. You can even pick up sandwiches along the way to make things easier.
  1. Go on a camping trip, and enjoy the whole experience… campfire, hiking, swimming, bird watching, smores and so much more
  1. Sign your kids up for baseball or soccer, and make it a family activity to attend games together
  1. Visit the drive-in movies, and even try to find more than one drive-in to visit throughout the summer
  1. Visit a national park and explore the trails and nature
  1. Teach your kids how to look after the veggie garden. You can even plant a dedicated kids’ garden so they can have complete ownership.
  1. Make your own ice cream or popsicles
  1. Go for ice cream every week! Try different places to find a local favorite.
  1. Have an annual potluck and BBQ with family and friends
  1. Go berry picking – blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, cherries
  1. Visit an amusement park and ride the Ferris wheel with the whole family
  1. See a fireworks display on a national holiday
  1. Go to the beach for the day
  1. Visit a local festival – arts, food, cultural. There are so many to choose from in the summer
  1. Create a family book reading goal. You can also create a competition of it to kep the kids encouraged.
  1. Make a family scrapbook of summer memories
  1. Declutter and have a big garage/yard sale. It’ll feel great to get rid of clutter that’s been weighing your home and life down.
  1. Set up a lemonade stand with your kids

Find More Summer Inspiration: 50 Hello Summer Quotes & Sayings

Health and Fitness Summer Goals

fit woman on the beach

Summer is a great time to focus on your health and fitness goals.

Whether it’s physical health or mental health, you’ll find some summer goals tailored for you.

  1. Try a new water activity: kayaking, canoeing, paddle boarding
  1. Drink more water – flavour it with different fruits and veg to make it more interesting too – cucumbers, blackberries, watermelon, strawberries.
  1. Wear sunscreen every day, and always reapply
  1. Take a morning walk daily, and take different routes to mix things up
  1. Run a 10K, half, or full marathon
  1. Practice intuitive eating. Essentially, “Intuitive eating is a philosophy of eating that makes you the expert of your body and its hunger signals.” – Healthline
  1. Sign up for an outdoor fitness class – yoga, interval training, spinning, summer boot camps
  1. Try a new sport – baseball, beach volleyball, golf, tennis, soccer
  1. Learn to love your body as it is today
  1. Find a walking buddy and meet up weekly for a long walk
  1. Move your body for 30 minutes every day
  1. Learn to meditate and practice it daily
  1. Strengthen your body – lift weights, do core exercises, try some HIIT training
  1. Walk instead of drive. Anywhere close by that you typically drive to, walk instead.
  1. Swim wherever you can – the beach, a local pool, a friends pool, the lake
  1. Eat seasonal, local fruits and vegetables
  1. Go hiking and explore nature
  1. Treat your body and mind like a temple. This means being kind to yourself and listening to what your body needs. No more ‘I should be doing this’ and more doing what’s best for you today.

What’s an important goal for you this summer?

Let us know in the comments below – to stay accountable and inspire others!

Happy summer!

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Yolanda - Put The Kettle On

About Yolanda

Website Owner / Content Creator

I’m passionate about helping you live life to the fullest so you can choose to find happiness and purpose. Learn how to CREATE THE LIFE YOU LOVE with intentional living and discovery of the simple things life has to offer. Learn more…

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