50 Positive Affirmations for Work Confidence & Success

Have you tried using positive affirmations for work to help you build confidence in your abilities? If not, you’re missing out on a powerful tool to help you thrive in the workplace.

To help you prepare your mind for success, here’s a list of 50 positive affirmations for work.

These affirmations help you build confidence, stay focused, and overcome any challenges that come your way.

What Are Positive Affirmations?

Affirmation for work on notecard

These affirmations are short, positive statements you repeat to yourself either out loud or in your head. PositivePsychology.com sheds some light on why they’re helpful:

 “…[positive affirmations are] used to challenge negative or unhelpful thoughts.”

In other words, by filling your mind with positive, uplifting thoughts instead of constantly repeating negative self-talk, you change how you think and feel about yourself and your work. 

This change leads to improved mental health, increased confidence, and better focus. The practice also helps you overcome low self-esteem and anxiety.

Related: What Are Affirmations and How To Use Them

Tips To Use Affirmations For Work

You might wonder how these positive affirmations can help you at work. After all, it seems like a lot of fluffy thinking won’t do much to help you get ahead.

However, the truth is positive affirmations can be a powerful tool for anyone ready to change. 

There are a few things to keep in mind when using affirmations for work:

Keep them realistic

Don’t try to convince yourself of something that isn’t true. For example, if you’re not yet comfortable doing public speaking, don’t try to tell yourself you’re the next Tony Robbins.

Your brain can’t yet make that leap and when you don’t live up to the new expectation, you’ll feel even worse.

Pick resonating affirmations

Not all affirmations are created equal. Some will resonate with you more than others. Choose the affirmations that speak to you and you can see yourself believing.

Keep them short

Try to make your affirmations short and impactful. This makes them easier for you to repeat throughout the day, even when you’re feeling rushed or stressed.

Repeat them regularly

The more you repeat your affirmations, the more likely you are to believe them.

So make a habit of saying them to yourself daily, whether first thing in the morning, during your lunch break, or right before you walk into a big meeting.

Use Affirmations in The present tense

When you’re crafting your affirmations, use present tense.

For example, say “I am a great leader” instead of “I will be a great leader.”

This phrasing helps your mind to believe the affirmation is true now.

Write them down

There’s something powerful about writing down your affirmations. It makes them more concrete and gives you a physical reminder to refer back to when needed.

So write your current affirmations for work on sticky notes and place them somewhere you’ll see them often, such as on your computer monitor or desk.

They’ll remind you of what you’re trying to achieve when you see them.

Be patient

Don’t expect results overnight. It takes time to change your thinking, so be patient and don’t give up if you don’t see results immediately.

Don’t listen to negative thoughts

You’ll likely find your negative self-talk gets louder when you start using affirmations.

It might say, “This is stupid,” or “You really think repeating this silly saying will help you?”

Ignore that negative energy and focus on the truth. You are taking steps to reprogram your mind for success, including having positive thoughts. 

Say them in your mind if you need to

If you don’t want to disturb your colleagues by saying your affirmations aloud, it’s okay.

Repeating them in your mind is the best way to reap the benefits of affirmations without worrying that others will think you’re strange. 

You can use any mantra that resonates with you.

To help you get started, later in this article, you’ll find a list of positive affirmations for work you can use to boost your confidence and performance.

Using Affirmations For A Positive Work Mindset

woman writing affirmations in notebook

Can affirmations really give you a positive mindset? While it might sound too good to be true, the answer is a resounding yes!

Science has shown affirmations work.

According to a study published in the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, people who used positive affirmations showed an increased ability in working memory tasks.

Using affirmations helped participants focus on the current task and filter out distractions.

Another study found positive affirmations can lead to increased task performance and decreased stress levels.

When you have a positive attitude, you’re more motivated to take on challenges and less likely to be derailed by setbacks.

So if you’re ready to improve your work performance and your life, give positive affirmations a try. You may be surprised at how much of a difference they make. 

Turning your thoughts from negative to positive can have a powerful impact on your career goals and give you a sense of inner peace. 

50 Affirmations Work Success and Confidence

50 Positive Affirmations for Work Success

If you’re not sure what to say when you start using work affirmations, here are 50 examples you can try.

To help you find one that fits your current situation, you’ll find the positive statements divided into the following categories: 

  • Positive affirmations for work and career success
  • Positive affirmations for teamwork
  • Positive affirmations for working moms
  • Affirmations for work stress relief
  • Affirmations for a new job

Are you ready to change your mindset? Pick one or two of these statements and begin repeating them daily to yourself to unlock the power of affirmations. 

Positive Affirmations For Work Success

1. I am capable of handling any challenge that comes my way.

2. I have the skills and abilities to be successful in my career.

3. My abilities are constantly expanding and evolving.

4. I am worthy of success and respect.

5. I deserve to be rewarded for my hard work.

7. Today, I will take risks and step outside my comfort zone.

8. I am open to new opportunities and willing to try new things.

9. I am flexible and adaptable to change.

10. My work is a valuable contribution to the world.

Positive Affirmations For Teamwork

11. My opinion matters, and I will share it confidently.

12. I am happy to lend a helping hand when needed.

13. I know how to compromise and find win-win solutions.

14. Success is a team effort, and I am proud to be part of this team.

15. I am open to others’ suggestions and willing to consider different perspectives.

16. I communicate openly and honestly with my coworkers.

17. We are all working towards a common goal, and I am committed to doing my part.

18. I am confident in my ability to contribute to this team.

19. I am not afraid to take the lead when necessary.

20. Today, I trust my team members to do their part so I can focus on my role.

Positive Affirmations For Working Moms

working mom with laptop

21. I am doing my best as a working mom, which is enough.

22. I am capable of managing both work and motherhood successfully.

23. My children are happy and healthy, even when I’m not with them.

24. I am creating a positive work-life balance for myself and my family.

25. I trust myself to make the best decisions for my family.

26. My family supports my career, and I am thankful for that

27. I can juggle multiple demands without losing focus.

28. I have the strength and energy to handle everything on my plate.

29. I am a role model for my children.

30. My feelings of guilt are dissipating, and I am learning to accept help.

Affirmations For Work Stress Relief

31. I am in control of my reactions when I feel stressed.

32. I can handle whatever comes my way, one step at a time.

33. My mind is clear, and I can think clearly.

34. My negative feelings about work are disappearing.

35. I choose to respond calmly and peacefully to every situation.

36. Today, I will let go of what’s out of my control and focus on what I can change.

37. I take care of myself physically and emotionally.

38. Stressful situations do not control me. 

39. I handle criticism well and use it as motivation to improve.

40. I take breaks when needed and come back refreshed and ready to work.

Affirmations For A New Job

41. I am resilient and capable of bouncing back from setbacks.

42. I am not my past, and I can learn from it.

43. It’s okay to ask for help when I need it.

44. I can handle this new challenge.

45. Good things are in store for me. 

46. Today, it is hard, but tomorrow it will be better.

47. I am capable of more than I give myself credit for.

48. Positive changes are happening in my career. 

49. I am precisely where I am supposed to be.

50. Everything happens for a reason, and this is part of my story.

Positive Affirmations For Work: Final Thoughts

woman writing in notebook

There are so many powerful affirmations you can use to create positive outcomes in your everyday life. 

Whether you need a confidence boost to get you through a challenging task, a helping hand in times of stress or a reminder that you’re capable and deserving of success, you can turn to these positive affirmations for work. 

Say them out loud, write them down, and keep them in your mind throughout the day.

Soon enough, you’ll start believing them, and then the magic happens. Because then you’ll begin to believe in yourself and your ability to succeed. 

With that mindset and positive thinking, you’ll overcome negative emotions and accomplish anything you put your mind to.

What Affirmations For Work Are Your Favourite?

Do you have any favourite affirmations for work? Has repeating one helped you get through a challenging situation?

Share your story in the comments below to inspire others.

More Powerful Affirmations To Inspire You:

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Yolanda - Put The Kettle On

About Yolanda

Website Owner / Content Creator

I’m passionate about helping you live life to the fullest so you can choose to find happiness and purpose. Learn how to CREATE THE LIFE YOU LOVE with intentional living and discovery of the simple things life has to offer. Learn more…

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