25 Mindfulness Worksheets & Exercises for Adults & Kids

Being mindful in life is a powerful thing. It allows us to enjoy being present and experience things in the here and now. This can feel difficult for many so I wanted to share my go-to collection of mindfulness worksheets and exercises. These are perfect to help you practice being mindful in many aspects of your life.

woman writing

These mindfulness worksheets and exercises are for adults and kids. Saying that, many of these mindfulness techniques are interchangeable, meaning adults can do the kid’s exercises and vice versa. 

The great part about this is you can do these exercises on your own or with others – such as your family or friends.

Here’s what you’ll find below:

  • Mindfulness definition
  • 19 mindfulness worksheets & exercises for adults
  • 6 mindfulness activities for kids
  • Additional mindfulness resources

What is Mindfulness?

The practice of mindfulness originates from Buddhist principles where the goal is to direct one’s attention to the present moment. This can be achieved through one’s thoughts, emotions, sensory experiences and environment.

Jon Kabat-Zinn, who created the ‘Center for Mindfulness in Medicine, Health Care, and Society’ describes mindfulness as ‘a way of connecting with your life.

He explains it well in this video…

Also, here are a few quotes that describe mindfulness beautifully…

“Mindfulness is deliberately paying full attention to what is happening around you-in your body, heart and mind. Mindfulness is awareness without criticism or judgment.” – Jan Chozen Bays

“Mindfulness cultivates our ability to do things knowing that we’re doing them.” – Mark Williams

“The goal of mindfulness is to become fully aware of the thoughts one is having, and of the emotions one is experiencing.” – Larry Shapiro

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25 printable mindfulness worksheets

Mindfulness Worksheets & Exercises for Adults

1. Positive Affirmation Cards

These free printable affirmation cards help you mindfully be intentional by giving yourself motivation and support on a daily basis.

This deck of positive affirmations also includes blank cards so you can write your own.

printable affirmation cards

2. Mood Tracking

These mood trackers are a powerful tool to track your mood daily so you can be mindful of your mental health.

Two free printable mood trackers - weekly and yearly pdfs to download and print

Includes two mood trackers…

Weekly: The weekly mood tracker allows you to track your mood and emotional state throughout the day so you can see what activity is connected to the mood you’re feeling.

Yearly: Great to record this in the evening so you can provide an overall feeling you experienced during the day.

3. 5-Minute Mindful Moment

This short mindfulness exercise helps you take a step back from your busy life and mind with 5 minutes of writing exercises focused on relieving stress, rebalancing yourself and slowing down to connect with the present moment.

5 minute mindful moment PDF
via InherantPeace.com

4. Five Senses Worksheet

A quick exercise to help bring you into the present moment quickly. A grounding method that helps with releasing anxiety.

How it works: Focus on the following things you’re experiencing in this very moment…

  • Five things you can see
  • Four things you can touch
  • Three things you can hear
  • Two things you can smell
  • One thing you can taste
5 senses mindfulness worksheet
via Positive Psychology

5. Mindfulness Journal Prompts

Mindfulness self-reflection questions to help you understand how you’re feeling in the present moment.

These journal prompts can help you uncover any issues you might be facing and provide you with inspiration to move forward.

The journal prompts include questions for the present moment, mindfulness questions for your journal, questions to use on a mindfulness walk, plus additional prompts to check-in on yourself.

6. Body Scan Meditation

Body scan mindfulness meditation involves scanning the body from head to toe – slowly bringing mindful attention to your entire body, step by step.

  • Start by finding a quiet place. 
  • Lie down, close your eyes, and take steady, deep breaths. 
  • Then, proceed to tune into each part of your body, one at a time. 
  • Acknowledge any sensation you feel without judgment. The goal here is to increase awareness of how your body feels, allowing you to pinpoint and release tension. 

The body scan meditation practice leads to improved mindfulness and is a great form of stress relief. 

Check out this body scan meditation video to help you along.

7. Shadow Exercise

This shadow exercise helps open up the hidden depths of your creative self.

According to Medical News Today, “Shadow work is a type of psychotherapy that focuses on the parts of the psyche that people often keep hidden, such as trauma and resentment. Some people may refer to this as the “shadow self”.

The shadow exercise below helps you practice shadow work by focusing on someone you dislike and then connecting their characteristics to your own self.

shadow exercise worksheet
via MindfullnessExercises.com

8. Gratitude Walk

A gratitude walk can be done anywhere as it’s genuinely about your state of mind and what you’re focusing on.

As you walk you are practicing gratitude every step of the way, whether it’s focusing on your surroundings, someone important in your life, or taking an inner look at your personal capabilities.

👉 Learn more in this post: What is a Gratitude Walk + 4 Ways To Take One

9. Box Breathing

This breathing technique is a great way to bring you to the present moment by focusing on your breathing. It’s also a good stress reliever in many situations. 

How to box breathe: 

  1. Breathe in for the count of four
  2. Hold your breath for the count of four
  3. Breathe out for the count of four
  4. Hold for the count of four, and repeat 

Use this video to help you practice:

10. Guided Mindfulness Cards

20 mindfulness flash cards with a different mindfulness activity on each one. 


  • Visualization
  • Body scan
  • Sensory exercises
  • Mindful movement
  • Breathing exercises

… and much more.

printable mindfulness cards
via Counsellor Cronan, Etsy

11. Self Awareness Happiness Assessment

A one-page assessment that helps you practice mindfulness by reflecting on where you are today vs. where you want to be tomorrow – when it comes to the happiness in your life.

This is a simple exercise for those who are new to personal growth practices.

self awareness happiness assessment
via Happier Mind Journal

12. 10 Minute Journal Pages

Here you’ll find a number of different 10-minute activity pages that all center around mindfulness. 

Some of these include 10-Minutes To:

  • Reflect on your day
  • Let our mind wander
  • Highlight your day
  • Recognize the good stuff
  • Reverse engineer your day
  • Find joy in the moment.

I find that the best time to do these writing exercises is first thing in the morning or before bed at night.

find joy in the moment mindfulness worksheet
via ChristieZimmer.com

13. Self Care Planner Worksheets

This self-care exercise helps you practice being mindful in daily life by checking in on what you need and then making a simple action plan to do it.

self-care planner worksheets
via Put The Kettle On, Etsy

14. Breath Awareness Meditation

This mindfulness worksheet includes step-by-step instructions on how to do breathing meditation – helping calm your mind and reduce stress.

breathe awareness meditation

15. Write a Gratitude List

writing a gratitude list in a journal

Writing a gratitude list is a fun way to practice mindfulness. Simply grab your notebook and write down everything you are grateful for in this moment. 

To help you create your list use your 5 senses (sight, sound, smell, touch, taste).

Here are some more helpful resources to get you started:

16. The Mindfulness Workbook

This workbook is created by a registered counsellor and includes a variety of mindfulness exercises from:

  • Meditation
  • Using mindfulness in everyday life
  • Managing thoughts and emotions
  • Diaphragmatic deep breathing
  • And much more
mindfulness workbook
via A Collective Guidance, Etsy

17. Rain Technique

I really love this technique as it’s straightforward and easy for everyone whether you’re a mindfulness guru or a beginner.

R.A.I.N stands for:

  • Recognize what is happening
  • Allow life (the experience) to be as it is
  • Investigate with kindness interest and care
  • Nurture non-identification with self-compassion
RAIN Mindfulness worksheet
via Light and Salt Design Co, Etsy

18. Therapist Aid Mindfulness Worksheet

This worksheet includes 4 mindfulness activities: meditation, body scan, a five senses activity and a mindful eating exercise

Mindfulness Exercises
via Therapist Aid

19. Walking Meditation

woman walking on nature trail

You can practice mindful walking meditation by following a certain pattern when walking either in a circle or in a straight line, but also while walking from one place to another in your neighbourhood.

👉 Check out InsightTimer which has a number of free walking mediation audio tracks you can listen to.

Mindfulness Exercises for Kids

20. Keeping Calm

A mindfulness activity for kids to practice being calm. It includes writing prompts plus a place for your child to draw something that calms them.

Keeping Calm Mindfulness worksheet for kids
via Centervention.com

21. Inside Outside

This exercise is used to help students enhance their awareness of their immediate internal and external experiences. ‘Inside’, referring to the internal sensations and emotions, and ‘Outside’, referring to the external environment and its stimuli.

Inside Outside worksheet
via 15Worksheets.com

22. Rose and Thorn

This is one of my favourite mindfulness exercises for kids. I used to do this with my son when he was younger every night before bed (talking, not the worksheet).

This mindfulness worksheet for students uses the metaphor of roses and thorns to reflect on the joys and struggles that made up a recent experience.

You can also use this every day like I did to start a conversation about how your child’s day went.

Rose and Thorn reflection activity for kids
via Education.com

23. Feelings Colouring

This is essentially a kid’s version of a mood tracker, helping them record and reflect on their feelings.  It’s a great tool to talk about feelings.

Feelings colouring for kids
via Dandelion Training and Development

24. Sounds and Silence

An excellent mindful listening exercise for children. Full script included the walk your kids through this mindfulness exercise.

Sounds and Silence Kids Mindfulness worksheet
via MindfulnessExercises.com

25. Mindfulness Parenting Checklist

This is an amazing checklist to print and keep on your fridge to get yourself and your family in the habit of adding mindfulness to their daily lives.

The checklist includes things like:

  • Establish a daily mindfulness practice for you and your kids such as sitting in simple meditation for  5-30 minutes every day.   Bring awareness to your breathing and sustain it over time.
  • Be in the present with open-hearted, non-judgmental attention.
  • See your children as they are, not as who you want them to be and meet your child with more acceptance.
Mindful Parenting Checklist
via FamilyFocusBlog.com

Additional Mindfulness Resources

I hope you loved this roundup of mindfulness worksheets and exercises. To further your regular practice of mindfulness here are some more resources I think you’ll find helpful.

Mindfulness Quotes

Access this big list of 100 Mindfulness Quotes to find more inspiration in living a mindful present life.

These quotes provide wisdom and inspiration to live each day in the present moment, which allows you to experience and feel what is presented to you each day.

Here are a few to get you started: 

“Be happy in the moment, that’s enough. Each moment is all we need, not more.”

– Mother Teresa

“The most precious gift we can offer others is our presence. When mindfulness embraces those we love, they will bloom like flowers.” – Thích Nhất Hạnh

“Realize deeply that the present moment is all you have. Make the NOW the primary focus of your life.” – Eckhart Tolle

More Mindfulness Practices

I wrote a blog post on 14 mindfulness practices which go into good detail on each one. It includes some things we haven’t talked about in this post, such as:

  • Mindful wake-up exercise
  • Observer meditation
  • Mindful gardening
  • Free range meditation
  • A few more adults & kids mindfulness practices to try

👉 Check it out here: 14 Mindfulness Techniques for Everyday Life

What Mindfulness Skills are you going to try first?

Share in the comments below and definitely let me know if there are any other mindfulness techniques you like to use.

Related Mindfulness Posts:

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Yolanda - Put The Kettle On

About Yolanda

Website Owner / Content Creator

I’m passionate about helping you live life to the fullest so you can choose to find happiness and purpose. Learn how to CREATE THE LIFE YOU LOVE with intentional living and discovery of the simple things life has to offer. Learn more…

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