125 Best Life Goals Examples To Set And Achieve

We have just one life to live and by setting important life goals you can truly live it – to the fullest.

happy woman daydreaming

Setting goals in life is crucial for our growth and happiness. It gives us a sense of purpose and helps us reach our full potential. 

Not the mention, the weeks, months and years go by so quickly and setting goals helps us slow things down so we can create a life we truly love.

What are life goals?

Life goals are specific things you want to do before you die. These are the big things – the meaningful things you’ve dreamed of doing. 

What’s the difference between life goals and other personal goals?

Personal goals are goals you may set for yourself throughout the year or perhaps for the next 5 years. 

Some examples of this might be to:

  • Save money for summer vacation next year
  • Get a promotion at work
  • Create a healthy evening routine
  • Learn how to meditate

Life goals, however, are the things you want to accomplish in your lifetime. These are long-term goals you would think about adding to a life bucket list.

Some examples of this are:

  • Starting your own business
  • Being financially free
  • Travelling the world
  • Being a parent

How to set (and achieve life goals)

“A goal without a plan is only a dream.”

– Brian Tracy

I love this quote because it couldn’t be more true. We all have dreams, especially when it comes to things we can to achieve in our lifetime. 

The key, however, is to turn those dreams into reality by making them happen with an action plan.

Attaining your life goals is about having the right mindset and putting in the hard work. To accomplish this here are some goal setting tactics to help you succeed.

1. Write your own life goals list

This is a fun first step. After reading the below life goal ideas it’s now time to write your own life goals list. 

You can break your list down into categories as I have below or just free-write anything that comes to mind.

If you’re unsure of the specific goals to set, here are some helpful questions you can ask yourself.

Ask yourself:

  • What do I always dream of doing?
  • If money or circumstances were no object what would I want to do in life?
  • If I only had one year to live, what would I do? How would I like to spend my time?
  • What am I most passionate about?

These questions will help spark some ideas for your list of goals.

2. Create a timeline for your life goals

Now that you’ve written a list of life goals you want to achieve, it’s time to put a timeline around these goals. 

Since these are lifetime goals I recommend putting each goal idea into different timelines.

Goals to complete within: 

  • One year
  • Five years
  • Ten years
  • Fifteen years
  • Twenty years

This will help you decide how to prioritize goals that you can start working on today, versus goals you’ll focus on later in life.

3. Set SMART Goals

You’ve most likely heard of SMART goals before, but if not let’s break it down.

SMART Stands For:

  • S: Specific – Be as specific as possible on your goal. What actions will you take?
  • M: Measurable – How will you know you’ve succeeded? 
  • A: Achievable – Make sure it’s not a big stretch to achieve. You want your goal to be attainable.
  • R: Relevant – Does this goal align with your overall goals and values?
  • T: Time-bound – How long will it take for you to achieve this goal? Set a target date.

Now, choose an important life goal you want to achieve in the next year. Go through the SMART goals process to define this goal in more detail and set some milestones around the goal.

👉 Make sure to download my Free SMART goals worksheet to help you get started.

4. Work towards your goals with a solid plan

Once you make your first life goals SMART, you can brainstorm various actions you can take to start working towards this goal.

Let me share an example:

Goal: Go scuba diving

  1. Research what qualifications you need = your PADI
  2. Decide where you will go scuba diving = somewhere local vs. a trip you’ll take
  3. If you choose to take a trip to go diving, research the best place
  4. Book your trip (make sure your destination has a dive center close by)
  5. Book your scuba diving excursion
  6. Save up
  7. Travel

No matter what life goal you want to move forward with first, you’ll have a set of steps to take.

This goal of scuba diving definitely seems smaller than saving one million dollars or getting married, but the process remains the same.

Tip: Think about new daily habits you can focus on to help you reach your goals.

5. Create a vision board

Visually planning for the future is a great way to keep your goals top of mind.

You can create a vision board by creating a life goals board on Pinterest or sketching and sticking visual representations of your goals in your journal or a bulletin board.

125 Meaningful Life Goals Examples To Set & Achieve

125 of the Best Life Goals For Your Bucket List

Today we’re going to give you a big list of life goals examples in the following categories:

  • Personal development
  • Adventure
  • Travel
  • Career
  • Financial
  • Relationships
  • Family
  • Lifestyle
  • Health and Wellness

These are my recommendations for good life goals you might consider adding to your own list.

Of course, the important part is to take these life goal ideas and make them your own. Or you may find that they create a spark for other personal life goals you want to accomplish.

Personal Development

Personal growth can come in all shapes and sizes from learning new skills and improving yourself in many areas. Here are some personal development goal examples to consider…

  1. Learn a new language
  2. Write a novel
  3. Master public speaking
  4. Go to a spiritual retreat
  5. Be a grateful person
  6. Learn a musical instrument
  7. Get a degree or 2nd degree
  8. Become a great cook
  9. Learn how to build a website or blog – check out my free start a blog course for help
  10. Write your memoir
  11. Conquer a fear you have
  12. Learn how to let go of grudges
  13. Read the top 100 novels of all time
  14. Learn a creative skill – photography, watercolour, pottery, etc
  15. Define your personal boundaries and follow them


couple climbing mountain

Adventure seekers, what would you add to this list? Share in the comments below!

  1. Climb a mountain
  2. Go scuba diving in the Great Barrier Reef
  3. Take a hot air balloon ride
  4. Go horseback riding
  5. Go skydiving
  6. Move to a new country
  7. Learn how to sail
  8. Do standup comedy
  9. Go bungee jumping
  10. Drive a race car
  11. Get your pilot’s license 
  12. See your favourite artist/band in concert
  13. Swim with sea turtles or dolphins in their natural habitat
  14. Go whale watching


There are so many places we want to travel in life. Here are some fun ideas to get you started…

  1. See the 7 wonders of the world
  2. Travel solo
  3. Go on a religious pilgrimage (like The Camino De Santiago)
  4. Travel around the world
  5. Go on an African safari
  6. Take a cross-country road trip
  7. Visit every continent
  8. See the northern lights
  9. Visit Angkor Wat in Cambodia – the largest religious structure in the world (according to The Guinness World Records)
  10. Go to Wimbledon
  11. Take a cooking class in a different country
  12. Live in a different country for at least one year
  13. Go on a vacation every year
  14. Hike the Appalachian Trail
  15. See The Great Wall of China
  16. Visit the Namib desert
  17. See the Pyramids 
  18. Visit Rome during the holy week

Entrepreneurship & Career Goals

woman working on laptop

There are so many ways to grow in your career these days. Here are some areas to add to your career goals list…

  1. Become a successful business owner (be your own boss)
  2. Start a non-profit organization
  3. Become a role model and mentor
  4. Become a leader 
  5. Turn a passion into your career
  6. Buy a small business
  7. Start a franchise business
  8. Start a podcast
  9. Start a YouTube channel
  10. Launch a blog
  11. Have more than one career in your lifetime
  12. Take a job in a different country
  13. Become a C-level executive
  14. Train to be a public speaker – giving you excellent exposure
  15. Invest a product and go on Shark’s Tank (or Dragon’s Den)
  16. Become a college professor

“People with goals succeed because they know where they’re going.”

– Earl Nightingale

Financial Goals

Setting financial goals allows us to follow our dreams and make goals for other areas of our lives. Once you achieve a financial goal so many more doors open. Here are some suggestions…

  1. Be debt free
  2. Earn 6 or 7 figures
  3. Buy or build your dream house
  4. Save $1,000,000
  5. Be financially free
  6. Retire at 50
  7. Pay for your kid’s University
  8. Create a passive income that can pay you into retirement 
  9. Invest in real estate
  10. Build an emergency fund of at least 6 months’ salary for financial security
  11. Make enough money to support your family fully
  12. Have multiple income streams

Relationship Goals

couple on beach

Developing our relationships is what brings us true happiness. Here are some ideas – would you add anything else?

  1. Fall in love
  2. Get married
  3. Be in a committed relationship 
  4. Always prioritize romance – at any age
  5. Prioritize relationships over work
  6. Have a handful of close true friends 
  7. Spend quality time with close friends
  8. Become good friends with an elderly person
  9. Prioritize date nights
  10. Create memorable experiences with people who matter most
  11. Plan adventures together 


Our family members are part of us no matter what. Some relationships may be strained and others continuously flourishing, so think about what matters most to you when determining your family goals. 

  1. Adopt or foster a child
  2. Be a parent
  3. Take a trip with a parent (when you’re both adults)
  4. Find and create your ‘chosen family’ 
  5. Have weekly Sunday dinners
  6. Maintain good relationships with distant relatives
  7. Adopt a pet
  8. Look after parents in their older years
  9. Create a family tree – and find relatives you don’t yet know
  10. Have close connections with nieces and nephews
  11. Become a grandparent


Setting lifestyle goals is about how you choose to live your daily life. Here are some meaningful goals you can consider…

  1. Become a minimalist
  2. Live in a tiny home
  3. Live off the land
  4. Become a master gardener
  5. Volunteer for an organization you’re passionate about
  6. Become a big brother or big sister
  7. Live a zero-waste lifestyle
  8. Live life with no regrets
  9. Mentor young people
  10. Get to know neighbours and community members
  11. Find a church to attend
  12. Create time for hobbies and learning new hobbies
  13. Become an activist for something you’re deeply passionate about (veganism, the environment, etc)
  14. Continuously follow your passions
  15. Never stop learning

Most people overestimate what they can do in a year, and they massively underestimate what they can accomplish in a decade or two.

– Tony Robbins

Health and Wellness

To follow our dreams, set goals and live a long happy life, we need to focus on our health and wellness…

  1. Maintain a healthy weight
  2. Follow a whole food plant-based diet
  3. Be physically strong with regular exercise
  4. Run a marathon
  5. Have a positive body image
  6. Learn to love yourself fully
  7. Learn how to meditate and practice it daily
  8. Live a long, healthy life
  9. Have a healthy morning routine (that you love)
  10. Walk daily
  11. Do something you love every day 
  12. Practice having a positive mindset – this will make the good times that much better and the bad times easier to get through
  13. Prioritize your mental health

Mindset Tips To Help You Reach Your Life Goals

Setting goals can seem overwhelming at times so it’s essential to have the right mindset to help you get across the finish line.

  • Get out of your comfort zone. In order to achieve hard things, you need to get a little uncomfortable at times. Change doesn’t happen when we stay where we are.
  • Celebrate your milestones. When you reach an important milestone make sure to celebrate it. Give yourself a pat on the back for getting this far.
  • Try positive affirmations to keep you motivated and on track.
  • Look after yourself with regular self-care to keep you rejuvenated and in the right frame of mind to work towards important goals
  • Be kind to yourself. We all have off weeks (and months and years). Every waking moment of your life doesn’t need to be goal focused. We are only human and during tough times it’s okay to just focus on getting through as opposed to conquering big goals.

Life Goals Quotes To Empower You

“You can’t be that kid standing at the top of the waterslide, overthinking it. You have to go down the chute.” – Tina Fey

“I think goals should never be easy, they should force you to work, even if they are uncomfortable at the time.” – Michael Phelps

“Goals are not only absolutely necessary to motivate us. They are essential to really keep us alive.” – Robert H. Schuller

“Goals are dreams brought to life.” – Amy Leigh Mercree

“If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things.”– Albert Einstein

“I would encourage you to set really high goals. Set goals that, when you set them, you think they’re impossible. But then every day you can work towards them, and anything is possible, so keep working hard and follow your dreams.”

– Katie Ledecky

“If you want something you never had, you have to do something you’ve never done.” – Unknown

Do what you have to do until you can do what you want to do. – Oprah Winfrey

“You cannot change your destination overnight, but you can change your direction overnight.” – Jim Rohn

“You are never too old to set a new goal or to dream a new dream.” – C.S. Lewis

“It always seems impossible until it’s done.” – Nelson Mandela

“Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible.” – Tony Robbins

“What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals.” – Zig Ziglar

Have you set life goals yet? If not, are you excited to get started?

I’d love to hear all about it. If you have a goal you’ve been wanting to focus on for a long time, share the details in the comments below so I can send some positivity your way 🙂

Related Life Goals Resources:

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About Yolanda

Website Owner / Content Creator

I’m passionate about helping you live life to the fullest so you can choose to find happiness and purpose. Learn how to CREATE THE LIFE YOU LOVE with intentional living and discovery of the simple things life has to offer. Learn more…

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