75 Easy 5-Minute Self-Care Ideas for Body, Mind & Soul
Self-care is good for us, but with our busy lives, it can seem quite impossible to allocate time to self-care. The good news is you only need a few minutes to reap the benefits of self-care. So, today I’m sharing a big list of 5-minute self-care ideas you can use.
You’ll find quick self-care activities that are fun, relaxing, and fulfilling, designed to fuel your mind, body and soul.
I’ve also included resources to help you with specific self-care activities so you can add them to your daily routine starting today.
Benefits of Doing 5-Minute Self-Care Activities
Many women don’t intentionally practice self-care as they feel there just isn’t enough time in the day, but you’d be amazed to know that just 5 minutes of self-care is all you need to recharge and reset.
Think about it… you’re adding short bursts of enjoyment and care to your day, helping you create positive energy, and support your mental well-being and physical health.
You’re also giving yourself permission to allocate alone time which you deserve. This is beneficial to your overall well-being and work/life balance.
75 Easy 5-Minute Self-Care Ideas – For Body, Mind & Soul
When it comes to self-care it encompasses a lot more than the odd bubble bath here and there.
Self-care is about nourishing various areas of your life so you can create the balance and enjoyment you need to keep up with your fast-paced, busy life.
Let’s get into this big list of 5-minute self-care activities.
5-Minute Self-Care Ideas for Your Body
Looking after your physical health is key to a daily self-care routine.
Whether it’s looking after your health by booking appointments, eating healthy food, or adding more exercise to your day, you can use many of these self-care ideas when you have a few minutes.
1. Go on a short walk
2. Give yourself a foot massage – you can use a tennis ball and roll it under your foot or try a gua sha facial tool (yes, this is amazing to massage your feet also).
3. Make a healthy smoothie
4. Drink a tall glass of water – add lemon, lime or cucumber to boost the flavour
5. Book a check-up at the doctor’s
6. Do a quick yoga routine
7. Try some deep breathing exercises – simply start by taking deep breaths – inhaling and exhaling
8. Stretch your body – focus on where you need it most right now
9. Wash and moisturize your face
10. Give yourself a hand massage – use lotion to enjoy it even more
11. Do a mini-workout routine
12. Stretch your neck – we hold so much tension in our necks which can cause pain over time.
I love to do these neck stretches below which are designed to strengthen your neck over time – and magically these stretches relieve pain immediately.
13. Eat a healthy snack like fresh fruit
14. Have a quick shower
15. Sit in the sun to soak up your vitamin D (and if you live in an area with little sun, or it’s winter take your vitamin D supplement)
16. Diffuse your favourite essential oils and take a moment to enjoy the scent
17. Put on some clothes that make you feel good. This can be comfy clothes or cute.
18. Do a face mask
19. Lie down and rest for 5 minutes
20. Dance to a great song as a way to boost your mood
👉 Check out my Self-Care Planner Worksheets to help you build a happy balanced week.
Quick 5 Minute Self Care Activities for Your Mind
When it comes to self-care for the mind, below you’ll find a variety of activities that support:
- Mental health and emotional well-being
- Personal growth and learning
- Professional and personal goals
1. Fill out a journal prompt – check out some of these self-love prompts you can try
2. Go outside and listen to the sounds of nature
3. Think about and acknowledge a recent win and write it down
4. Read a poem and reflect on what it means and how it can be applied to your life
5. Do a body scan meditation
6. Write a short love note to yourself
7. Repeat some positive affirmations. Here are some positive morning affirmations you can use for confidence, success and happiness.
8. Declutter a small space
9. Watch a funny video – after all laughter is the best medicine 🙂
10. Create a gratitude list: Start with writing down at least 3 things you are grateful for today
11. Write in your journal – release anything you wish to get out on paper
12. Listen to some happy music
13. Try the 5-4-3-2-1 grounding exercise which focuses on your 5 senses
14. Do some coloring in your adult coloring book
15. Try a breathing app like Breathwrk or Breathe
16. Watch a short inspirational video
17. Do a brain dump of everything that is running around in your mind. Get it all out on paper so you can deal with it later.
18. Sit in silence and let your mind focus on the good things in life
19. Download a self-esteem worksheet – check out this list of worksheets that focus on self-love, confidence, beliefs, negative self-talk and more.
20. Start writing a feel-good list. This includes all things that make you feel good or give you support.
This can be things like a cup of tea, a chat with your best friend, a walk around the block, etc. This list is perfect to refer back to later when you need a pick-me-up.
21. Select a new audiobook you want to read. You can either use Audible or try the Libby app. What I love to do is to listen to one of my favorite books to experience the audio version.
22. Write a list of things you love about yourself. Keep adding to this list over time.
23. Write a quick meal plan for the week ahead
24. Play a quick word game on your phone
25. Download one of these self-care worksheets which you can use later today
5 Minute Self-Care Ideas to Fill Your Soul
When it comes to doing self-care for your soul think about the things you’re truly passionate about – your relationships, your faith, old memories, and anything that creates happiness in your life.
These self-care activities are designed to fill your soul with goodness.
1. Walk barefoot in the grass
2. Try this self-love writing exercise with meaningful journal prompts
3. Feed the birds and watch them frolic with happiness
4. Look at old photos that have good memories
5. Call a friend
6. Listen to your current favorite song
7. Try a short guided meditation
8. Play with your pet
9. Treat yourself to a self-care gift, because you deserve it
10. Hug someone or something – pillows can work extremely well for this – don’t knock it till you try it!
11. Reflect on a few inspiring quotes – think about what they mean in your life
12. Think about your unique qualities and strengths – write them down
13. Enjoy the ritual of making your tea or coffee – choose a teapot or mug you love, take in the scent of the tea/coffee brewing and savour that first sip to the fullest
14. Learn about your self-love language so you can take care of yourself better
15. Reach out to a friend and make plans
16. Have a fresh air break
17. Light a candle
18. Water your plants
19. Pray
20. Open your windows and breathe in the fresh air
More Quick Self-Care Activities You Can Do in 5 Minutes
1. Download my 30-day self-care challenge which includes 30 different self-care ideas you can use throughout the month.
2. Pick some flowers from your garden and make a mini bouquet
3. Follow an inspiring social media account. I personally love r.h.sin…
4. Listen to a few minutes of a podcast
5. Read these self-care questions to check in with yourself – grab a notebook and answer one of the first questions
6. Create a vision board on Pinterest
7. Set an intention for the day
8. Set a timer and do a quick tidy-up
9. Think about one new (good for you) habit you’d like to add to your morning routine.
10. Follow me on Pinterest for everything self-care, self-love, mental health & intentional living
Easy Ways To Incorporate Quick Self-Care Into Your Day
Even with these quick and easy self care activities you still need to be intentional about creating time for them on a regular basis – otherwise, before you know it the day is over – and you forgot.
Here are some easy ways to create 5 minutes of self-care:
Habit Stacking – When you’re doing something else (i.e. making coffee) and you’re waiting for the coffee to brew – take the time to do one of these 5-minute self-care exercises. So next time you find yourself idly waiting for something add in a little self-care.
First Thing – When you wake up in the morning choose one of these ideas and do it right away. This is where stretching, meditating or doing your tea ritual would be perfect.
Last Thing – Before bed, you can also allocate 5 minutes to doing a self-care activity you don’t normally do. Think about reading a poem, giving yourself a foot massage, or doing a body scan meditation.
After a meal – After your lunch break or dinner take 5 minutes to go for a quick walk, read a few pages of a good book or call a friend to make plans.
On Your Commute – Make use of what could be wasted time and use it towards self-care.
5 Minute Self-Care Ideas: Final Thoughts
So what do you think? Have I convinced you that anyone, no matter how busy they are, can make time for self care?
5 minutes is really all you need to reset, recharge, and rejuvenate your mind, body, and soul.
And think about it this – by creating little moments of self-care throughout the day you’re actually dedicating more time to self care than you might think. These 5-minute allotments can add up!
Tell Me: What’s Your Favourite Way To Practice Self Care?
Let us know in the comments what new ideas you plan on adding to your self-care to-do list. Also, what self-care practices do you enjoy the most?
About Yolanda
Website Owner / Content Creator
I’m passionate about helping you live life to the fullest so you can choose to find happiness and purpose. Learn how to CREATE THE LIFE YOU LOVE with intentional living and discovery of the simple things life has to offer. Learn more…
I like to sit and watch the birds and bugs whilst sitting outside. Or play and walk with the dogs. Or putting on some music and painting. 🙂 For me it is just to slow down… where my mind, heart and soul connect again in this moment. Love your list. So many things on there that I now realise are total self-care activities.
Thanks for sharing Carolyn! Those all sound like great ways to relax. Keep at it!